Urlopia application is a project developed by students during summer internship programmes at FINGO.
The idea was to create a web application, containing e-mail handling system, which will help organizing company's vacation policies and allow employees to apply and manage vacation applications easily. It also simplifies work of administrative workers by delivering variety of tools and automatically generating reports. Application is available in Polish language version. The application connects with company's Active Directory via LDAP.
Functionality listing is available below. The project is ready to deploy on a server with Docker, further instructions are available in below sections.
In the project we used Java Spring Boot 2.5.2 with Gradle for build automatization, React and PostgreSQL database with JPA as ORM framework. The communication server-client is based on RESTful services, compliant with MVC design pattern. Also:
- Front-end
- React 17.0.
- Bootstrap 5.0.2
- React Bootstrap 2.0.0
- React Router 5.2.0
- Sass 1.35.2
- Back-end
- Spring Boot 2.5.2
- JSON WebToken for stateless authentication
- Handlebars for mail templates
- Testing
- Spock 2.0
- Build and deployment
Urlopia contains following functions:
- Administration
- Employees list with search and filters
- Associates list with search and filters
- Editing vacation pool individually
- Editing company's days off calendar
- Vacation requests preview
- Annual reports generating (individually)
- Monthly reports generating
- Automatic actions for managing employees remaining vacation
- Team member vacation application consideration via email or web GUI
- Adding absence with reason for a specific employee
- Employees
- Vacation history log
- Remaining vacation pool preview
- Applying for vacation via web GUI (Apply form)
- Occasional vacation
- Confirming presence at work
- See who and when is absent on calendar
In terminal in ./view.react run
npm install
npm run build
Put the content of ./view.react/build to ./src/main/resources/public.
In terminal type the following:
(Windows) gradlew build
(Linux) ./gradlew build
Make sure you have JAVA_HOME environmental variable defined properly.
To deploy app on embedded server type:
java -jar 'path_to_the_jar'
In the browser the app will open by default on:
In terminal in ./view.react run
npm install
npm start
In the browser the app will open on:
In order to run the app you have to provide your configuration variables. There is application.properties file in src/main/resources with some configuration, but you need to provide more in application-developer.properties file.
Important properties:
spring.config.import=optional:application-developer.properties (import your own configuration)
spring.mvc.async.request-timeout = 1500000 (Amount of time before asynchronous request handling times out.)
# database (Postgres database configuration)
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=validate (Validates existing schema, makes no changes to database)
# OR
# database (H2 database configuration)
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update (update to update schema, create to destroy previous data and create schema)
spring.h2.console.path=/h2-console (URL path for h2 console)
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:h2: (Absolute path for db file)
# database flyway
spring.flyway.enabled= (boolean flag - self explaining)
urlopia.flyway.baseline-version= (version of the last script that was run on db)
# active directory
ldap.security.authentication=Simple (Authentication with username and password)
ldap.security.principal= (Active directory username)
ldap.security.credentials= (Active directory password)
ldap.provider.url= (Active directory url)
ad.containers.main= (Main container)
ad.groups.users= (Main user group)
ad.groups.ec= (Group for employees)
ad.groups.b2b= (Group for associates)
ad.groups.admin= (Group for admins)
ad.identifiers.team=Team,Guild (Postfixes for group names. Here we have distinction for teams and guilds)
azure.ad.clientId= (Client Id from azure AD registration)
azure.ad.tenantId= (Tenant Id from azure AD registration)
# mail
spring.mail.host= (SMTP server host. For instance, `smtp.example.com`)
spring.mail.username= (Login user of the SMTP server)
spring.mail.password= (Login password of the SMTP server)
spring.mail.port= (SMTP server port)
spring.mail.properties.mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true (Some SMTP servers require a TLS connection)
mails.bot= (Mail address of mailing bot)
mails.storage= (Mail address of emails storage)
mail.title.prefix = (Prefix for mail title - can be empty)
mail.sender.enabled= (Boolean flag to set sending mail)
mail.receiver.enabled= (Boolean flag to set observing incoming mail)
# slack
# proxy
proxy-token= (Secret token used to validate requests coming from proxy)
# presence confirmation
urlopia.presence.confirmation.considered.months = (Number on months in past that will be considered when checking presence.
On example if value is 2 and current month is June, absent will be search between April and June)
Apart from the properties above you have to set two env variables via shell or in the view.react/.env
REACT_APP_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID= (Client Id from azure AD registration)
REACT_APP_OAUTH_TENANT_ID= (Tenant Id from azure AD registration)
To create PostgreSQL role & database, navigate to \bin
folder in your PostgreSQL installation location in the terminal
and type:
psql -U postgres
\i 'path-to-project'/src/main/resources/scripts/init.sql
e.g. \i C:/Users/<Username>/Urlopia/src/main/resources/scripts/init.sql
To connect the database in IntelliJ IDEA:
> +Data Source
> PostgreSQL
Then in the fields:
- Set
- Set
- Set
- Set
To turn on database migration via Flyway add
properties to the application-developer.properties
(on set this via other possible ways).
Migration scripts are in urlopia/src/main/resources/scripts
Scripts cannot be modified after creating (and executing)!
If you already have database where some sql scripts have been run you need to add
urlopia.flyway.baseline-version = <last_script_version>
where last_script_version is number from the latest run script.
On example if latest run script was V2_7_6_1__add_count_for_next_year_column then you need to
replace <last_script_version>
with 2_7_6_1
(without quotas)
Name convention for scripts is:
- update scripts to execute manuallyU<APP_VERSION>_<SCRIPT_NUMBER>__<DESCRIPTION>.sql
- rollback scripts
is an application version to be released e.g.,2_7_6
is a counter for scripts in same app version<DESCRIPTION>
is a human-readable description of the changes made by this script.
Example script name: V2_7_6_1__add_count_for_next_year_column.sql
To create a slack app:
- Go here and click on the
Create App
button - Select
from an app manifest
- Choose your workspace
- Paste the
file and replace{your-domain}
part with domain Urlopia is being run on - Install the app in your workspace
- Go to the
App Home
sidebar section and on the very bottom tickAllow users to send Slash commands and messages from the messages tab
- In
Basic Information
sidebar section you'll find aSigning Secret
of your app, and in theOAuth & Permissions
you'll findBot User OAuth Token
. You need to add both tokens to yourapplication.properties
configuration file - If Urlopia is up and running, you can go to the
Event Subscriptions
sidebar section, paste theRequest URL
( i.e.{your-domain}/api/v2/slack/events
) and verify if slack is able to communicate with it
If everything's good you should now be able to interact with the @Urlopia
bot in your slack workspace