A Stylelint plugin to convert HEX colors to either RGB or HSL formats.
npm install --save-dev stylelint-color-format
In your Stylelint Configuration, add the following to the plugins array. (Make sure the plugins array comes before your rules block):
"plugins": ["stylelint-color-format"]
And then, in the rules:
"rules": {
"color-format/format": {
"format": "rgb"
The rule itself works much like the default color-no-hex
rule. It will report if a HEX color format (#333, #CA4FBD and even #FFFFFFAB) is found, it will error out since the format is not what we want.
If you pass the --fix
option, however, the color format will be converted to either rgb
or hsl
, according
to your configuration
The color-format/format
rule accepts an object with a single format
This will convert any HEX colors to RGB. If the HEX color has a transparency, the RGBA format will be used.
This will convert any HEX colors to HSL. If the HEX color has a transparency, the HSLA format will be used.