This project was developed following FullCycle's PFA.
- Create a program that list some of Full Cycle course modules
- Create a nginx image that receice the http requests
- Create a Gihub repo with the program & docker images
- Create with commands to send to the app that will run on port 8080
- No docker-compose
git clone
cd fc-pfa-docker
docker network create pfa-docker
Up app
docker run --rm -d --network pfa-docker -v $(pwd)/mysql/db:/var/lib/mysql --name pfa-docker-mysql devontherun/pfa-docker-mysql
docker run --rm -d --network pfa-docker -v $(pwd)/node:/usr/src/app --name pfa-docker-node devontherun/pfa-docker-node
docker run --rm -d --network pfa-docker -p 8080:80 --name pfa-docker-nginx devontherun/pfa-docker-nginx
docker-compose up
docker-compose down to remove containers
Access http://localhost:8080/
docker stop $(docker ps -f name=pfa-docker -q)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Done with ♥ by Filipe Leuch Bonfim 🖖