A project management application
Client deployed on zeit
Server deployed on Heroku
GTPro is a project management application that allows users to keep track of their personal and work to-do lists and projects. When logged in, a user can start creating projects in his/her board in order to keep track of his/her to-do lists. Each project gives the user the ability to create lists and to add cards to each list accordingly.
- JavaScript
- React
- Enzyme
- Redux
- Node.js
- Express
- Mocha
- Chai
- PostgreSQL
- Passport
- JWT Authentication
- Git
- GitHub
- Postman
- DBeaver
- Visual Studio Code
- GitHub Projects
All endpoints have CRUD methods
All endpoints:
POST to '/api/auth/login' authenticate and login returning user
POST to '/api/users' inserts a new user into database
GET to '/api/users' get all users from database
GET to '/api/user/:id' get a user by id
DELETE to '/api/user/:id' delete a user by id
PATCH to '/api/user/:id' update a user by id
GET to '/api/cards' get all cards from database
GET to /api/cards/list/:list_id get a card by list id
GET to '/api/cards/:card_id' get a card by id
POST to '/api/cards' insert a card into the database
DELETE to '/api/cards/:card_id' delete a card by id
PATCH to '/api/cards/:card_id' update a card by id
GET to '/api/lists' get all lists from database
GET to /api/lists//project/:project_id get a list by project id
GET to '/api/lists/:list_id' get a list by id
POST to '/api/lists' insert a list into the database
DELETE to '/api/lists/:list_id' delete a list by id
PATCH to '/api/lists/:list_id' update a list by id
GET to '/api/projects' get all projects from database
GET to /api/projects/user/:user_id get a project by user id from database
GET to '/api/projects/:project_id' get a project by id from database
POST to '/api/projects' insert a project into the database
DELETE to '/api/projects/:project_id' delete a project by id from database
PATCH to '/api/projects/:project_id' update a project by id from database