- 100_Numpy_exercises_no_solution.ipynb 没有答案代码的文件,这个是你做的练习 2.100_Numpy_exercises_with_hint.ipynb 没有答案代码的文件,但有提示,这个你也可以用来练习 3.100_Numpy_exercises.ipynb 有答案代码和注释的文件你可以在100_Numpy_exercises_no_solution.ipynb 里输入代码, 看看运行结果是否和100_Numpy_exercises.ipynb 里面的内容一致。
This is a collection of numpy exercises from numpy mailing list, stack overflow, and numpy documentation. I've also created some problems myself to reach the 100 limit. The goal of this collection is to offer a quick reference for both old and new users but also to provide a set of exercises for those who teach. For extended exercises, make sure to read From Python to NumPy.