It's a challenge to work as a software engineer at Novatics.
This project works with Docker, more information can be found here.
- The project uses environment variables, rename the .env.example file to .env and set up your environment
- To get the Mongo IP address in the Docker, run the command:
docker network inspect challenge_backend
- Run Docker
docker-compose up
- For testing purposes, restore the mongo database with the command:
docker-compose exec -T mongodb sh -c 'mongorestore --username=root --password=challenge --archive' < dumps/db.dump
- The project uses environment variables, rename the .env.example file to .env
- Install the dependencies
npm install
- For testing purposes, restore the mongo database with the command:
mongorestore --username=root --password=challenge --archive < dumps/db.dump
- Run the project
npm run dev
The API uses Swagger for documenting endpoints and validating application input and output data. Swagger can help you design and document your APIs at scale. More information can be found here.
Swagger provides documentation that can be accessed at:
npm run test
- User login
- Lists all BBB participants
- Distribute user kudos
- The API uses JSON Web Token (JWT) as security in the communication
Feel free to contribute to the project.
Get in touch with me in on Github, Email or Linkedin
- This project is licensed under the MIT License, contribute to the project!