PHP scritps to convert Ultima Online Cliloc files to JSON, back and forth, to create custom clilocs.
- Copy, from the UO folder, the clilocs you want to edit/compare and paste them inside
folder. (Ex: Cliloc.enu and Cliloc.deu) - Run
(using php through command line), to generate the Cliloc.json insidejson
folder, then change all cliloc entries you want on this json file and save it. - Run
(using php through command line), to generate the updated clilocs insideoutput
folder. Then copy the cliloc (in this example, Cliloc.deu) back to the UO folder, ovewriting the old one. So next time you login the game, you'll see the translation updated.
C:\converter> php convert_cliloc_to_json.php
Reading input\Cliloc.enu... OK!
Reading input\Cliloc.deu... OK!
Done! Cliloc.json has been saved in json folder. You can open and edit it using any text editor.
C:\converter> php convert_json_to_cliloc.php
Writing output\Cliloc.enu... OK!
Writing output\Cliloc.deu... OK!
Done! Now copy these clilocs to UO folder, overwriting the old ones.
Here is a live version of a Cliloc.json, that is being used to build a brazilian portuguese cliloc.
- PHP 5.4+