I'm a Fullstack Developer & Mining Engineer. I'm a passionate about AI and its potential to revolutionize the world. I specialize in:
Movie app developed in ReactJS, with Redux and thunk middleware. Integration with Firebase Authentication and Cloud Firestore. Images saved with Cloudinary. User location with google maps API. Repositorie | Deployment
Guajalotas store in ReactJS, with API consumption in fetch & axios, login & sing up page in localstorage and API validation. Repositorie | Deployment
La tiendita food store in JS Vanilla. CRUD of products, modals, set location store. Repositorie | Deployment
Login and user creation using localstorage. User Validation. Medical agenda using localstorage. Dating CRUD. Repositorie | Deployment
Certificate FCC Web Design π
Certificate FCC Javascript π
Guappjolotas - Spring 2 (ReactJS) Repositorie | Deployment
La tiendita - Spring 1 (JS Vanilla & API REST) Repositorie | Deployment
Principe Fresco - Workshop 1 (JS Vanilla & API REST) Repositorie | Deployment
DailyBits - Workshop 2 (ReactJS CRUD, react router dom) Repositorie | Deployment
- Portafolio (with styled-components) Repositorie | Deployment
- Class Components (with Herouku API REST) Repositorie | Deployment
- Search Gifs Categories (Hooks, Giphy API, useState, useRef, useEffect) Repositorie | Deployment
- StarWars Search (Hooks, JSON, use Location, useParams) Repositorie | Deployment
- Tecnical Test (CRUD, API implemetation in Herouku, React router dom) Repositorie | Deployment
- IMC calculator Repositorie | Deployment
- Batman Movies Repositorie | Deployment
- Currency calculator Repositorie | Deployment
- Uso de API Ricky y Morty Repositorio | Despliegue