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File metadata and controls

312 lines (219 loc) · 11.2 KB

Tutorial 1: our first level

In this tutorial, we will recreate the 5th level of the campaign: Vertigo.

vertigo screenshot


To follow this tutorial, you must have all necessary software installed as described in the installation guide.

The main piece of software used for the creation of Selfless Heroes levels is Tiled. Although it's not necessary to know Tiled to follow this tutorial, it could be helpful to take a look at Tiled user manual.

Setting up the project

Copy the folder sh-leveleditor-dir/levels/tutorial1_start to sh-leveleditor-dir/levels/vertigo.

Note: sh-leveleditor-dir/levels is the working directory for level creation. If you try to work in another directory, Tiled won't work properly.

At the end of this tutorial, sh-leveleditor-dir/levels/vertigo content should match sh-leveleditor-dir/levels/tutorial1_complete content.

Content of sh-leveleditor-dir/levels/vertigo:

  • map.json describes the map of the level. We will open this file with Tiled.
  • level.js describes the rules of the level.
  • metadata.json contains some metadata about the level.
  • tests.json contains tests definitions for the level.
  • rules.txt is a file used internally by Tiled. ⚠️ Do not modify this file.

⚠️ Do not rename any of these files. Selfless Heroes utilities expect these exact file names in order to be able to generate a level.

Creating the map

Open map.json with Tiled.

map.json in Tiled initial state

Make sure the right panel looks like this screenshot:

  • Layers tab is open with path layer selected within it.
  • tileset tab is open.

There are 4 layers already created:

  • objects layer contains all the level objects: heroes, switches, eggs, cauldrons etc.
  • path layer describes the raw information about the type of terrain whithin the map: where are the walls, holes, the floor etc.
  • camera layer contains information on how to display the level.
  • checkers layer is used by Tiled automapping feature. We will not modify this layer.

Draw the map

Fortunately, we don't need to draw each tile manually. We will only have to draw where is the floor, where are the holes and where are the walls and then the automapping feature of Tiled will draw the final map automatically.

First, we need to draw the floor on the path layer. Select the floor tile from the tileset by clicking on the square highlighted in the screenshot bellow.

Select the floor tile from the tileset

Now we can draw the floor of the map on the grid.

Draw the floor on the map

Now that we know the final dimensions of the map, we can resize the map to these final dimensions. Go to the menu Map > Resize Map... and resize the map as in the screenshot bellow and click OK.

Resize Map window

Note: we want to let a margin of 2 tiles around the edges of the map.

The automapping will assume that all tiles surrounding the floor are walls. So we don't need to draw the walls, but we still need to draw the holes. To do so, select the hole tile.

terrain types

Draw around the floor where we don't want walls with the hole tile.

draw the holes

Now we are ready to use the automapping to generate our final map. 😉

Go to the menu Map > AutoMap.


And here we are, the map has been autogenerated! 👌

Notice that 3 new layers were created automatically during the automapping process:

  • types layer contains all terrain type information of the map. The game will determine the type of each square from this layer (floor, wall, hole...). It won't be displayed in the game.
  • ground layer is the main graphic layer that will be displayed in the game.
  • floor_shadow layer is a graphic layer which contains all the shadows. It will be displayed on top of the ground layer in the game.

Note: the automapping feature is not perfect. For more complicated maps, you may have to edit some of these layers manually.

Camera configuration

Now we have to setup the camera configuration so that the level is well displayed in the game.

Select the Objects tab from the right panel, expand the camera layer and select the frame object. You should see a highlighted rectangle on the map. This rectangle defines the target of the camera in the game. Use the resize arrows so that the rectangle contains the beige part of the outter walls.

resize the camera frame

Add objects

Now we will populate the map with objects. For this level, we need 4 heroes and 4 switches.

Select the objects layer from the Objects tab. Select the Insert Point tool from the toolbar.

select insert point tool

Click on the map in the place you want to create the first hero. It creates an empty object in the right panel, we need to give it a hero type. Double click on this object on the Type column and write "hero". You can also set a name to this object if you want to, but it is not required.

Note: It doesn't matter where you click within a tile when creatig an object. You don't need to be precise, the important part is to choose a tile. 😉

set object type to hero

Notice that 2 custom properties have been added to the left panel: initialDirection and item. These custom properties are defined in the objecttypes.xml file that we imported into Tiled in the installation guide.

To create the other heroes, we can copy/paste this one in other locations of the map. To copy the object, select the object from the right panel and press Ctrl+C. To paste it in the desired location, just hover your cursor on the desired location and press Ctrl+V.

Tip: to better see the created objects on the map, we can go back to the Layers tab and move the objects layer all the way to the top. This way it won't be hidden by types, ground and floor_shadow layers anymore.

Now create the 4 switches the same way we created the 4 heroes. Instead of setting the type to "hero", their type must be set to "switch". In the end, you should get something like that:

map populated with objects

Save with Ctrl+S and the map is ready! 👌


Depending of your operating system or the version of the game you have installed on your system, paths can vary. The following keywords will be used along the tutorial to make things simple.

  • sh-leveleditor-dir refers to the path where you extracted
  • shutils refers to the command line tool located in sh-leveleditor-dir
    • Windows: sh-leveleditor-dir\shutils.exe
    • Linux: sh-leveleditor-dir/shutils
  • selflessheroes refers to the game executable. This can vary a lot depending on your installation:
    • Windows:
      • Steam version is generally: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Selfless Heroes\Selfless Heroes.exe
      • Windows Installer version: C:\Program Files\Selfless Heroes\Selfless Heroes.exe
    • Linux:
      • Steam version is generally: /home/{user}/.steam/SteamApps/common/Selfless Heroes/selflessheroes
      • Snap version: /snap/bin/selflessheroes


The level needs to be packaged before we can open it in the game. We will use the command line tools that comes with the level editor utilities to do so.

Open a terminal and get into sh-leveleditor-dir:

cd sh-leveleditor-dir

Package the level:

shutils pack-level ./levels/vertigo

If everything go smoothly, this command creates the level file sh-leveleditor-dir/levels/vertigo/level.shlv which can be open with the game.

Open the level in the game

Open the level in the game with this command:

selflessheroes --dev ./levels/vertigo/level.shlv

Note: --dev option enables the game console. It will come in handy when we come to troubleshooting custom levels.

map populated with objects

Alright! The level works as intended, but there is still some polish left to do. :clap:

  • All heroes are facing east, it would be more beautiful if the heroes on the left were facing west.
  • I'm pretty sure this level is solvable in less than 100 steps and 100 lines. :laughing: We have to change the secondary objectives.

Modifying the level

When working on a level, it's quite handy to use the --watch option of the command line tool. It will watch the level files and try to repackage the level as soon as a modification is detected. The level will be automatically reloaded into the game.

Let's start the command line tool in watch mode:

shutils pack-level ./levels/vertigo --watch

💡 See shutils manual for more details on the command line tools.

Change heroes orientation

Open sh-leveleditor-dir/levels/vertigo/map.json with Tiled. Select the heroes on the left. In the Custom Properties panel located on the left of the editor, set initialDirection to "w" (for west) and save. If you used the --watch option, the level should be reloaded automatically into the game.

Set secondary objectives

The secondary objectives are defined in sh-leveleditor-dir/levels/vertigo/level.js. Open this file in a text editor.

This file defines pretty much all the properties of the level that are not described by the map: the rules, the title, the objective text, the set of instructions available, the secondary objectives etc. The next tutorial will be focused on the creation of the level.js file. For now, we will only modify the secondary objectives.

The secondary objectives are defined by speedTarget and lengthTarget properties. This level is solvable in 4 steps and 7 lines so let's write this in the file as secondary objectives.

module.exports = {
  mapConfig: MAP_CONFIG,
  messages: {
    "en": {
      "name": "Vertigo",
      "objective": "Trigger all the %%icon icon-switch$%% switches\n\n%%icon mdi mdi-alert-octagon-outline$%%Warning: don't let your %%icon icon-hero$%% heroes fall into the hole."

  maxStep: 100,
  speedTarget: 4,
  lengthTarget: 7,
  deterministic: true,

  compilerConfig: {
    excludePrimary: ['assign', 'jump', 'clone'],
    terrainTypes: ['hole', 'floor'],
    objectTypes: ['switch', 'nothing'],
    actionFunctions: ['step'],
    leftComparisonExpressions: ['direction'],
    rightComparisonExpressions: ['object_type', 'terrain_type']

  ruleset: {
    win: 'all_switches',
    lose: ['one_hero_dead', 'or', 'default_loss']


Congratulations! ✨ You just made your first Selfless Heroes level! 😃

complete level

In the next tutorial, we will create a more intricate level, create custom rules, create tests and publish it on Selfless Heroes API for review.

Next: ▶️ Tutorial 2: publish a complete level