Simply click on this 7z file to download all Windows source files (bat scripts):
Tiny adjunct to the Windows-intrinsic pushd/popd utilities for users of the Command Prompt terminal window that simulates a linux-style "pushd +1", and "dirs".
- Allows round-robin traversal of directories in the "pushd" stack
- Runs on Windows 10
- Lightweight & simple
- Adds 3 new commands that work with the Windows-intrinsic pushd, popd:
- nexd moves to the Next directory in queue [like 'pushd +1']
- pred moves to the Previous directory in queue [like 'pushd -1']
- dirs displays contents of the directory queue [like 'dirs']
Either copy the ./wnexd/ directory, or download the latest release (7Z file) and unzip it, in your %HOMEPATH% directory.
Executing "ndprep.bat" file will make the new commands available. It uses "doskey" to add three commands: nexd, pred, dirs:
- doskey nexd=%HOMEPATH%\wnexd\nexd.bat
- doskey pred=%HOMEPATH%\wnexd\pred.bat
- doskey dirs=%HOMEPATH%\wnexd\dirs.bat $1
- dirs : displays stack
- dirs -c : clears the stack
- nexd : moves to the next directory in the stack [without popping it]; similar in function to linux "pushd +1";
- pred : moves to the previous directory in the stack [without popping it]; similar in function to linux "pushd -1";
- It can preclude the need to open multiple Command Prompt windows when working with several related directories.
- It is a simple way to enable additional pushd functionality. And, except for the quirky syntax of BAT scripts, the logic is reasonably transparent.
- It cooperates with the intrinsic pushd/popd Windows commands with no change to their functionality.
Open source developers are welcome to help improve or extend this utility. Developer or not, send comments, suggestions or questions to:
This utility is covered by the GNU GPL v3 as indicated in the sources:
Copyright (C) 2022
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You may read the full text of the GNU General Public License at