Fast-RCNN implementation for Torch7 as a package with methods for training and testing an object detector network.
- Fast R-CNN as a package with simple API methods for training, testing, detecting and visualizing objects in images.
- Multi-threaded data loading/processing;
- Multi-GPU support;
- Common data augmentation techniques (color jitter, scaling, etc.);
- Pascal VOC / MS COCO mAP evaluation schemes.
- Proposals data augmentation during train
- NVIDIA GPU with compute capability 3.5+ (2GB+ ram)
- Torch7
- tds
- matio
- cudnn
- inn
- torchnet
To install this package you need to have Torch7 installed on your machine and some other packages. To install this packages, simply do:
luarocks install tds
luarocks install cudnn
luarocks install inn
luarocks install matio
luarocks install torchnet
Finally, to install this package do the following:
git clone
cd fast-rcnn-torch && luarocks make rocks/*
To call this package simply do:
local fastrcnn = require("fastrcnn")
This loads a table with the necessary methods for creating, training and testing a Fast R-CNN network. Also, it contains a method for detecting objects in images and for visualizing the detections with a window frame (requires qt
to work).
fastrcnn.train(dataLoadTable, rois, model, modelParameters, opts)
Trains a model on a given dataset with some proposals.
: Table with methods for loading data. (type=table)rois
: Region-of-Interest bounding box proposals. (type=table)model
: A Fast R-CNN network. (type=table)modelParameters
: The model's parameters (color space, meanstd, pixel_scale and stride). (type=table)opts
: Training options. (type=table)
fastrcnn.test(dataLoadTable, rois, model, modelParameters, opt)
Test a model on a dataset (mAP score).
: Table with methods for loading data. (type=table)rois
: Region-of-Interest bounding box proposals. (type=table)model
: A Fast R-CNN network. (type=table)modelParameters
: The model's parameters (color space, meanstd, pixel_scale and stride). (type=table)opts
: Testing options. (type=table)
imdetector = fastrcnn.Detector(model, modelParameters, opt)
Object detector class.
: A Fast R-CNN network. (type=table)modelParameters
: The model's parameters (color space, meanstd, pixel_scale and stride). (type=table)opts
: Testing options. (type=table)
scores, bboxes = imdetector:detect(im, proposals)
Receives an image and region proposals as input and outputs scores and bounding boxes.
: Image tensor. (type=torch.Tensor)proposals
: Region-of-Interest bounding box proposals (type=torch.Tensor)
This package contains several utility methods for creating models, loading roi proposals from file or visualizing object detection with a window frame.
model: methods for storing, loading and setup a Fast R-CNN model.
nms: non-maximum suppression methods.
load: load roi proposals from file (ony Matlab files atm).
visualize_detections: visualize detections with a window frame.
Note: visualize_detections requires
to work. For that, you need to use theqlua
This repo contains code examples on how to train+test an object detector using this module for the Pascal VOC 2007 dataset.
MIT license (see the LICENSE file)
This package was heavily inspired by the following repositories: Fast-RCNN, Fast-RCNN for Torch7 and facebook/multipathnet.