Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
Debugbar for Laravel (Integrates PHP Debug Bar)
⚡️ Gemini PHP is a community-maintained PHP API client that allows you to interact with the Gemini AI API.
Lali (Laravel Livewire) Starter Project is The skeleton application for the Laravel starter project with TALL Stack.
Mardira Framework PHP for Back-End Developer
apps e-ticket bus build with codeigniter integration validasi send mail e-ticket
Code companion for WPU Blog System with Laravel 10
Turso + PHP SDK for Native LibSQL via FFI
Helps you in creating services and repository in laravel.
Turso/libSQL Extension for PHP Installer Script
Projek akhir mata kuliah Pemrograman Berbasis Web dengan PHP native, vanila CSS, dan JQuery
BKBlog is a robust blog management system/content management system (CMS) that's built with Laravel framework.
Online Book Store backend repo named Garadia 🍒
UAS Pemograman & Algoritma web tentang Pengiriman Barang (2023)
Sistem informasi Registrasi Calon Anggota UKM Teater Oksigen UMJ is an Application for recruiting member candidate for "UKM Teater Oksigen UMJ".
Material Blade is a simple package that provides the beautifulness of Google Material Design components as Laravel Blade components. Material Blade aims to make UI/UX development of your Laravel ap…
Aplikasi Toko - Semua detail data penjualan, keuntungan, dan pengeluaran yang diinput tersimpan rapi. Aplikasi ini online dan hanya dapat digunakan pada Smartphone.