Matt Marchant 2013 - 2015 SFML Tiled Map Loader - https://github.com/bjorn/tiled/wiki/TMX-Map-Format
The zlib license has been used to make this software fully compatible with SFML. See http://www.sfml-dev.org/license.php
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
This class is designed to load TILED .tmx format maps, compatible with TILED up to version 0.9.0
Uses pugixml (included) to parse xml Supports orthogonal maps Supports isometric maps Supports conversion between orthogonal and isometric world coords Parses all types of layers (normal, object and image), layer properties Parses all types of object, object shapes, types, properties Option to draw debug output of objects and tile grid Supports multiple tile sets, including tsx files and collections of images Supports all layer encoding and compression: base64, csv, zlib, gzip and xml (requires zlib library, see /lib directory) Quad tree partitioning / querying of map object data Optional utility functions for converting tmx map objects into box2D body data
Parsing of individual tile properties Staggered isometric maps
First download the zlib library which matches your compiler and link it to your project, then add the map loader .cpp files to your project/command line. Only add the tmx2box2d files if you are using box2D for physics and wish to convert map object data to box2D physics bodies.
To quickly get up and running create an instance of the MapLoader class
tmx::MapLoader ml("path/to/maps");
load a map file
and draw it in your main loop
Note that the constructor takes a path to the directory containing the map files as a parameter (with or without the trailing '/') so that you only need pass the map name to MapLoader::Load().If you have images and/or tileset data in another directory you may add it with:
before attempting to load the map file.
New maps can be loaded simply by calling the load function again, existing maps will be automatically unloaded. MapLoader::Load() also returns true on success and false on failure, to aid running the function in its own thread for example. Conversion functions are provided for converting coordinate spaces between orthogonal and isometric. For instance MapLoader::OrthogonalToIsometric will convert mouse coordinates from screen space:
to Isometric space:
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
Layer information can be accessed through MapLoader::GetLayers()
bool collision;
for(auto layer = ml.GetLayers().begin(); layer != ml.GetLayers().end(); ++layer)
if(layer->name == "Collision")
for(auto object = layer->objects.begin(); object != layer->objects.end(); ++object)
collision = object->Contains(point);
The quad tree is used to reduce the number of MapObjects used during a query. If a map contains hundreds of objects which are used for collision it makes little sense to test them all if only a few are ever within collision range. For example in your update loop first call:
where myRect is the area representing the root node. You will probably only want to start with MapObjects which are visible on screen, so set myRect to your view area. Then query the quad tree with another floatRect, representing the area for potential collision. This could be the bounding box of your sprite:
std::vector<MapObject*> objects = ml.QueryQuadTree(mySprite.getGlobalBounds());
This returns a vector of pointers to MapObjects contained within any quads which are intersected by your sprite's bounds. You can then proceed to perform any collision testing as usual.
Some utility functions are providied in tmx2box2d.h/cpp. If you use box2D for physics then add these files to you project and then create box2D physics bodies using:
b2Body* body = tmx::BodyCreator::Add(mapObject, b2World);
where b2World is a reference to a valid box2D physics world. As box2D uses a different coordinate system to SFML there are 4 functions for converting from one space to another:
b2Vec2 SfToBoxVec(const sf::Vector2f& vec);
sf::Vector2f BoxToSfVec(const b2Vec2& vec);
float SfToBoxFloat(float val);
float BoxToSfFloat(float val);
You should use these whenever you are trying to draw with SFML based on the physics output, or set box2D parameters in SFML world values.
Debugging output can be enabled with one of the following preprocessor directives:
all output is directed to the console window
all output is written to a file named output.log in the executable directory
log output is directed to both the console and output.log
Logging is diabled by default. The level of log information can be set with
by providing a bitmask for the level required. For instance to only log warnings and errors use:
Logger::SetLogLevel(Logger::Warning | Logger::Error);
For more detailed examples see the source in the examples folder, and the wiki on github: https://github.com/fallahn/sfml-tmxloader/wiki
pugixml (included) zlib (http://zlib.net/) SFML 2.x (http://sfml-dev.org) Minimal C++11 compiler support (tested with VS11 and GCC4.7)
300513 0.1 Initial Release
140613 0.1a Bug fix compiling with MinGW/GCC
240613 0.2 Added: Quadtree support for partitioning of MapObjects, Getter for map size property
030713 0.3 Added: rendering of map via vertex array. Old style rendering is still available with Draw2()
190713 0.4 Updated: MapObject::SetPosition and MapObject::Move now update object's debug and AABB properties. Added: Map layers can be drawn by type (front, back, all or debug) and by index. Removed: debug param from draw function - debug info is now drawn separately Updated: minimum version of visual studio required is now VS11
060813 0.5 Updated: tileset images are cached and reused when the same tileset is used more than once
280813 0.6 Updated: optimised draw calls by checking if a tileset vertex array is actually visible before drawing Fixed: Textures not properly being flushed when loading new maps causing tile sets to be incorrectly displayed Added: MapLayer RenderStates property and setter for shader
041013 0.7 Added: Getters for object first / last points Removed: old Draw2 function Updated: constness of some function parameters Updated: inherited load class from sf::Drawable and sf::NonCopyable Updated: removed tile caching in favour of drawing objects via sprites with subrects for significantly improved loading times - particularly with large or multiple tile sets
291013 0.8 Updated: Refactored object class and cleaned up interface Added: utility functions to MapObject class for collision calculations
131113 0.9 Fixed: MapObject::Intersects failed due to const correctness Rehosted project on GitHub