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122 lines (96 loc) · 4.34 KB

File metadata and controls

122 lines (96 loc) · 4.34 KB

Description of the software


Tested on Debian Buster


  • composer uses git, therefore git needs to be available on the server. Alternatively, the vendor/ directory from a local installation can be copied to the server. In this case, the composer installation steps can be skipped.
  • If unzip or 7z is not available on the server, the php-zip extension will be used (by composer) to unzip archived packages. If this leads to errors, try installing unzip.
  • The user executing php-fpm (probably www-data) needs write permissions to the storage/ directory for logging and caching.

Installation steps

  1. Install required packages:
    apt update && apt install git nginx redis php7.3 php7.3-fpm php7.3-mbstring php7.3-dom php7.3-zip php-redis
  2. Clone the repository (or copy to the server) into an accessible directory:
    git clone /var/www/FredEddisonMetaSearch
  3. Install composer:
  4. Install dependencies:
    php composer.phar install
  5. Create .env file and set APP_DEBUG=false:
    cp .env.example .env
    sed -i 's/APP_DEBUG=true/APP_DEBUG=false/g' .env
  6. Generate app key:
    php artisan key:generate
  7. Add nginx configuration (example, modify to your needs) in /etc/nginx/sites-available/metasearch:
    server {
        listen 8080;
        server_name FredEddisonMetaSearch;
        root /var/www/FredEddisonMetaSearch/public;
        add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";
        add_header X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff";
        index index.php;
        charset utf-8;
        location / {
            try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
        location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; }
        location = /robots.txt  { access_log off; log_not_found off; }
        error_page 404 /index.php;
        location ~ \.php$ {
            fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock;
            fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $realpath_root$fastcgi_script_name;
            include fastcgi_params;
        location ~ /\.(?!well-known).* {
            deny all;
  8. Enable configuration:
    ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/metasearch /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
  9. Reload nginx:
    nginx -s reload
    systemctl restart nginx
  10. Make sure php-fpm is running:
    cat /var/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock
  11. Start redis (if you want to use another port, make sure to edit .env accordingly):
    redis-server --port 6379
    systemctl start redis
  12. Add BlaBlaCar and Bessermitfahren API keys in .env

For local setup:

The software is written in php Laravel. For a local development environment, is recommended.

after installation:

Start Laradoc: docker-compose up -d nginx redis workspace

Into the .env (from laravel):


To get into the redis: docker-compose exec redis bash and then redis-cli

Test the environment:

access http://localhost/api/trip/search/ via POST and enter a search object:

Example search object 1:

{"startPoint":{"location":{"latitude":52.5198535,"longitude":13.4385964}, "radius": "50.0"},"endPoint":{"location":{"latitude":53.5511,"longitude":9.9937}, "radius": "50.0"},"departure":{"time":"2020-08-16T11:06:04. 690Z","toleranceInDays":0},"arrival":null,"page":{"firstIndex":20,"page":0,"pageSize":20},"reoccurDays":null,"availabilityStarts":"2020-08-16T11:06:04. 690Z", "availabilityEnds":null, "tripTypes":[0], "transportTypes":[0], "animals":2, "baggage":1, "gender":2, "organizations":[], "smoking":3}

Example Search Object 2:

{"startPoint":{"location":{"latitude": 52.522,"longitude":13.411}, "radius": "50"},"endPoint":{"location":{"latitude":53.5511,"longitude": 9.9937}, "radius": "50"},"departure":{"time":"2020-08-14T11:06:04. 690Z","toleranceInDays":2},"arrival":null,"page":{"firstIndex":20,"page":0,"pageSize":20},"reoccurDays":null,"availabilityStarts":"2020-08-14T11:06:04. 690Z", "availabilityEnds":null, "tripTypes":[0], "transportTypes":[0], "animals":2, "baggage":1, "gender":2, "organizations":[], "smoking":3}