Below we outline the steps you need to install the Python Bloomberg API to access Bloomberg data via findatapy. We are assuming a Windows installation here, and that we have Bloomberg Terminal and the Desktop API installed already.
However, it should be possible to install the Bloomberg Server API on a Linux/Mac OS X machine and communicate with blpapi, however I have not tested this.
To use Bloomberg you will need to have a data licence (either to access Desktop API or Server API)
Please check your Bloomberg licence before installing anything to understand all its terms and how you can use the data
Use experimental Python 3.4 version from Bloomberg
Also download C++ version of Bloomberg API and extract into any location
- eg. C:\blp\blpapi_cpp_3.9.10.1
For Python 3.5 - need to compile blpapi source using Visual C++ compiler yourself
- Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 (Community Edition is free) and careful to include Visual C++ or it is quicker simply
to install Visual C++ 2015 build
- You may need to add the following (or similar) to your Windows
,C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x64
- This should prevent the following compilation error where 'rl.exe' is not found
- Also we may need to add an environment variable
which points toC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\
so the C++ compiler can be found
- You may need to add the following (or similar) to your Windows
- Before doing do be sure to add environment variables for the Bloomberg DLL (blpapi3_64.dll) to Windows
variable- eg. C:\blp\blpapi_cpp_3.9.10.1\bin
- Make sure
root is set as an environmental variable in Windows- eg. C:\blp\blpapi_cpp_3.9.10.1
- On Windows to change PATH and BLPAPI_ROOT environment variables go to Control Panel / System and Security / System / Advanced System Settings / Advanced / Environment Variables
- python build (to build & compile - alternatively if you have Python 3.5 and Windows, you can download file, which I have pre-built using Visual C++ 2015 version 14.0)
python install
(to install)
- Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 (Community Edition is free) and careful to include Visual C++ or it is quicker simply
to install Visual C++ 2015 build
Prebuilt binaries are provided for Python 2.7, 3.5 and 3.6 for Windows in both 32 and 64 bits - which means we can skip the build steps above
- Might need to tweak registry to avoid "Python 3.4 not found in registry error" (blppython.reg example) when using this executable
- You can install this prebuilt binary via pip eg.
- python -m pip install --index-url= blpapi
- But note that a local installation of the C++ API is required both for importing the blpapi module in Python and for building the module from sources, if needed.
conda installation for Anaconda
- It is also possible to install
(note: I haven't tested this though) conda install -c conda-forge blpapi
- It is also possible to install
The library doesn't support the old Bloomberg COM API (since much slower than the new Open API)