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End-to-End Variational Networks for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction Model

This directory contains a PyTorch implementation for reproducing the following paper, to be published at MIDL 2022.

On learning adaptive acquisition policies for undersampled multi-coil MRI reconstruction (T. Bakker, et al., 2022).


We strongly recommend creating a separate conda environment for this example, as the PyTorch Lightning versions required differs from that of the base fastmri installation.

Before installing dependencies, first install PyTorch according to the directions at the PyTorch Website for your operating system and CUDA setup (we used torch version 1.7.0 for our experiments). Then run

pip install -r fastmri_examples/adaptive_varnet/requirements.txt

Example training commands:

The following commands are for the acceleration 4, budget 22 setting. For an MR image of default size (128, 128) this corresponds to 32 sampled lines, starting from 10 low-frequency lines.

Policy (sigmoid with slope 10, 5 cascades):

python ./fastmri_examples/adaptive_varnet/ --data_path PATH_TO_DATA --default_root_dir PATH_TO_OUT --seed SEED --batch_size 16 --num_cascades 5 --accelerations 4 --center_fractions 0.08 --num_sense_lines 10 --budget 22 --learn_acquisition True --loupe_mask False --use_softplus False --slope 10 --cascades_per_policy 5

LOUPE (sigmoid with slope 10, 5 cascades):

python ./fastmri_examples/adaptive_varnet/ --data_path PATH_TO_DATA --default_root_dir PATH_TO_OUT --seed SEED --batch_size 16 --num_cascades 5 --accelerations 4 --center_fractions 0.08 --num_sense_lines 10 --budget 22 --learn_acquisition True --loupe_mask True --use_softplus False --slope 10

Equispaced (5 cascades):

python ./fastmri_examples/adaptive_varnet/ --data_path PATH_TO_DATA --default_root_dir PATH_TO_OUT --seed SEED --batch_size 16 --num_cascades 5 --accelerations 4 --center_fractions 0.08 --num_sense_lines 10

For logging with wandb, add the following arguments.

--wandb True --project WANDB_PROJECT --wandb_entity WANDB_ENTITY

For acceleration 8, change the following arguments where relevant. For an MR image of default size (128, 128) this corresponds to 16 sampled lines, starting from 4 low-frequency lines.

--accelerations 8 --center_fractions 0.04 --num_sense_lines 4 --budget 12

See for additional arguments.

Example evaluation commands:

The following command can be used to evaluate a model (see the relevant script for more options):

python ./fastmri_examples/adaptive_varnet/ --load_checkpoint MODEL_CHECKPOINT --data_path PATH_TO_DATA --challenge multicoil --batch_size 64 --accelerations 4 --center_fractions 0.08

For acceleration 8 models, change the following arguments:

--accelerations 8 --center_fractions 0.04

Pre-trained models

We provide the models used for our visualisations. These correspond to the best-performing model in their class, except for the softplus policy models, which instead correspond to well-performing models that exhibits adaptivity.

Acceleration 4 models:

Sigmoid policy

Softplus policy



Acceleration 8 models:

Sigmoid policy

Softplus policy




If you use this this code in your research, please cite the corresponding paper:

    title={On learning adaptive acquisition policies for undersampled multi-coil {MRI} reconstruction},
    author={Tim Bakker and Matthew Muckley and Adriana Romero-Soriano and Michal Drozdzal and Luis Pineda},
    journal={Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (MIDL)},
    pages={to appear},