this tool helps to start katran server (works w/ GRPs server only). on startup it is:
- discovers mac address of default gateway (using ipv4 address)
- discovers server topology (how many cpus, cpu to NUMA mapping)
- by default affinitize NIC w/ specified strategy
currently supported strategies for affinitization:
- sequential - IRQ affinitized to cpu in in sequentially
- same-node - IRQ affinitized to CPU in NUMA node 0 only
- all-nodes - IRQ affinitized to all NUMA nodes one by one
This tool also could do NIC affinitization w/o starting katran. Intended use case:
- run this tool on server startup to do NIC affinitization w/o starting katran (by specifying -affinitize and -affinitize_only flags)
- run katran w/ the same strategy as in 1 and w/ -run flag
in this order we wont override NIC's IRQ affinity on every katran's restart
Usage of ./start_katran:
affinitize nic by specified strategy
run only affinitizing logic and exit. do not start katran
-balancer_bpf string
Path to balancer bpf prog
-binary string
Path to katran_grpc_server
Enable healthchecking bpf prog
-hc_bpf string
Path to healthchecking bpf prog
-intf string
interface where to attach XDP program (default "enp0s3")
-ipip6_intf string
name of the ipip6 interface for healthchecking (default "ipip60")
-ipip_intf string
name of the ipip interface for healthchecking (default "ipip0")
-lru_size int
size of connection table in entries (default 1000000)
-map_path string
path to bpf root array for shared mode
-map_pos int
position in shared bpf root array (default 2)
-priority int
priority of healthchecking program (default 2307)
should we run
-shutdown_delay int
sleep timeout before removing xdp prog on shutdown (default 1000)
-strategy int
how to affinitize NIC. 0 - sequentaly, 1 - same node, 2 - all nodes (default 2)
almost all flags are one to one mapping to CLI flags of katran_server and have the same meaning few exceptions are:
- -affinitize = discover CPU topology and write IRQ affinitiy. false by default
- -affinitize_only = dont try to start katran and do IRQ affinity only
- -strategy = which IRQ to CPU mapping strategy to use
- -run (default false) = by default we run in "dryrun" mode. we wont start katran w/o this flag
sudo ./start_katran -affinitize -balancer_bpf ~/katran/deps/bpfprog/bpf/balancer.bpf.o -binary ~/katran/build/example_grpc/katran_server_grpc -map_path /sys/fs/bpf/jmp_enp0s3 -lru_size 1000 -run
number of CPUs 3
2019/01/28 14:19:51 affinitizing irq 19 to cpu 0 mask 00000001
number of CPUs 3
number of CPUs 3
-balancer_prog=/home/tehnerd/katran/deps/bpfprog/bpf/balancer.bpf.o -intf=enp0s3 -hc_forwarding=false -map_path=/sys/fs/bpf/jmp_enp0s3 -prog_pos=2 -ipip_intf=ipip0 -ipip6_intf=ipip60 -priority=2307 -lru_size=1000 -shutdown_delay=1000 -forwarding_cores=0 -numa_nodes=0
2019/01/28 14:19:51 cannot reach katran server. retrying in one second
I0128 14:19:51.431486 391 KatranGrpcService.cpp:67] Starting Katran
E0128 14:19:51.431856 391 BpfLoader.cpp:166] Can't read section size for index: 2
I0128 14:19:51.431871 391 BpfLoader.cpp:448] Skipping section: 2 of file: /home/tehnerd/katran/deps/bpfprog/bpf/balancer.bpf.o
I0128 14:19:51.485374 391 BpfLoader.cpp:367] relocation for non existing prog w/ idx 10
I0128 14:19:51.485419 391 BpfLoader.cpp:367] relocation for non existing prog w/ idx 14
I0128 14:19:51.485424 391 BpfLoader.cpp:367] relocation for non existing prog w/ idx 16
I0128 14:19:51.485430 391 BpfLoader.cpp:367] relocation for non existing prog w/ idx 18
I0128 14:19:51.485432 391 BpfLoader.cpp:367] relocation for non existing prog w/ idx 20
E0128 14:19:51.504796 391 BpfLoader.cpp:103] Can't find map w/ name: lpm_src_v4
E0128 14:19:51.504853 391 BpfLoader.cpp:103] Can't find map w/ name: decap_dst
Server listening on
2019/01/28 14:19:52 cannot reach katran server. retrying in one second
2019/01/28 14:19:53 Mac address is 52:54:00:12:35:02:
2019/01/28 14:19:53 katran is up and running