Goal: Lowest possible total transfer time - and when not using self imposed resource limits to be only hardware limited (disc or network bandwidth not latency) and as efficient as possible
Zero copy stream/buffer pipeline: To maintain efficiency, the best overall total transfer time and time to first byte we can see WDT's internal architecture as chainable units
[Disk/flash/Storage IO] -> [Compression] -> [Protocol handling] -> [Encryption] -> [Network IO]
And the reverse chain on the receiving/writing end The trick is the data is variable length input and some units can change length and we need to process things by blocks Constraints/Design:
- No locking / contention when possible
- (Hard) Limits on memory used
- Minimal number of copies/moving memory around
- Still works the same for simple read file fd -> control -> write socked fd current basic implementation
Possible Solution(?) API:
- Double linked list of Units
- read/pull from left (pull() ?)
- push to the right (push() ?)
- end of stream from left
- propagate last bytes to right
Can still be fully synchronous / blocking, works thanks to eof handling (synchronous gives us lock free/single thread - internally a unit is free to use parallelization like the compression stage is likely to want/need)
Another thing we touched on is processing chunks out of order - by changing header to be ( fileid, offset, size ) instead of ( filename, size ) and assuming everything is following in 1 continuous block (will also help the use case of small number of large files/chunks) : mmap'in the target/destination file The issue then is who creates it in what order - similar to the directory creation problem - we could use a meta info channel to avoid locking/contention but that requires synchronization
We want things to work with even up to 1 second latency without incurring a 1 second delay before we send the first payload byte
gflags (google flags library) but only for the command line, the library doesn't depend on that
gtest (google testing) but only for tests
glog (google logging library)
Parts of facebook Folly open source library (as set in the CMakefile) Mostly conv and threadlocal
You can build and embed wdt as a library with as little as a C++11 compiler and glog - and you could macro way glog or replace by printing to stderr if needed
cmake/ CMake files additionally to CMakeLists.txt
deps/ Dependencies (open source version)
fbonly/ Stuff specific to facebook/not open source yet
- wdtCmdline.cpp
Main program which allows to have a server or client process to exercise the library (for end 2 end test as well as a standalone utility)
- wcp.sh
A script to use wdt like scp for single big files - pending splitting support inside wdt proper the script does the splitting for you. install as "wcp".
- WdtOptions.{h|cpp}
To specify the behavior of wdt. If wdt is used as a library, then the caller get the mutable object of options and set different options accordingly. When wdt is run in a standalone mode, behavior is changed through gflags in wdtCmdLine.cpp
- ByteSource.h
Interface for a data element to be sent/transferred
- FileByteSource.{h|cpp}
Implementation/concrete subclass of ByteSource for a file identified as a relative path from a root dir. The identifier (path) sent remotely is the relative path
- SourceQueue.h
Interface for producing next ByteSource to be sent
- DirectorySourceQueue.{h|cpp}
Concrete implementation of SourceQueue producing all the files in a given directory, sorted by decreasing size (as they are discovered, you can start pulling from the queue even before all the files are found, it will return the current largest file)
- Sender.{h|cpp}
Formerly wdtlib.cpp - main code sending files
- FileCreator.{h|cpp}
Creates file and directories necessary for said file (mkdir -p like)
- Receiver.{h|cpp}
Formerly wdtlib.cpp - main code receiving files
- ServerSocket.{h|.cpp}
Encapsulate a server socket listening on a port and giving a file descriptor to be used to communicate with the client
- ClientSocket.{h|cpp}
Client socket wrapper - connection to a server port -> fd
- Protocol.{h|cpp}
Decodes/Encodes meta information needed to interpret the data stream: the id (file path) and size (byte length of the data)
- SocketUtils.{h|cpp}
Common socket related utilities (both client/server, sender/receiver side use)
- Throttler.{h|cpp}
Throttling code
- ErrorCodes.h
Header file for error codes
- Reporting.{h|cpp}
Class represnting transfer stats and reports
(facebook only:) Make sure to do the following, before "arc diff":
(cd wdt ; ./clangformat.sh )
fbconfig --clang --with-project-version clang:dev -r wdt
fbmake runtests
fbmake runtests_opt
fbmake opt
and check the output of the last step to make sure one of the 3 runs is still above 20,000 Mbytes/sec (you may need to make sure you /dev/shm is mostly empty to get the best memory throughput, as well as not having a ton of random processes running during the test)
Also :
- Update this file
- Make sure your diff has a task
- Put (releveant) log output of sender/receiver in the diff test plan or comment
- Depending on the changes
- Perf: wdt/wdt_e2e_test.sh has a mix of ~ > 700 files, > 8 Gbytes/sec
- do run remote network tests (wdt/wdt_remote_test.sh)
- do run profiler and check profile results (wdt/fbonly/wdt_prof.sh) 80k small files at > 1.6 Gbyte/sec