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base repository: facebook/react
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base: 343710c9230d643ec442acef4634e380c1f0bce9
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head repository: facebook/react
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compare: e22a98458b78c224756791023157938391416cc9
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  • 1 commit
  • 2 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Apr 11, 2021

  1. Bugfix: Don't rely on finishedLanes for passive effects

    I recently started using `pendingPassiveEffectsLanes` to check if there were any pending
    passive effects (530027a). `pendingPassiveEffectsLanes` is the value of
    `root.finishedLanes` at the beginning of the commit phase. When there
    are pending passive effects, it should always be a non-zero value,
    because it represents the lanes used to render the effects.
    But it turns out that `root.finishedLanes` isn't always correct.
    Sometimes it's `NoLanes` even when there's a new commit.
    I found this while investigating an internal bug report. The only repro
    I could get was via a headless e2e test runner; I couldn't get one in an
    actual browser, or other interactive environment. I used the e2e test to
    bisect and confirm the fix. But I don't know yet know how to write a
    regression test for the precise underlying scenario. I can probably
    reverse engineer one by studying the code; after a quick glance
    at `performConcurrentWorkOnRoot` and `performSyncWorkOnRoot`, it's not
    hard to see how this might happen.
    In the meantime, I'll revert the recent change that exposed the bug.
    I was surprised that this had never come up before, since the code that
    assigns `root.finishedLanes` is in an extremely hot path, and it hasn't
    changed in a while. The reason is that, before 530027a,
    `root.finishedLanes` was only used by the DevTools profiler, which is
    probably why we had never noticed any issues. In addition to fixing the
    inconsistency, we might also consider making `finishedLanes` a
    profiling-only field.
    acdlite committed Apr 11, 2021
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