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base repository: facebook/react
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base: 2e41568313620ab564425be7e5d777581e2db5d4
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head repository: facebook/react
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compare: 8cb21aa32487d430dd8a7f1d5df7d470b8a84163
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  • 2 commits
  • 13 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Sep 27, 2021

  1. Move flushSync warning to React DOM

    When you call in `flushSync` from an effect, React fires a warning. I've
    moved the implementation of this warning out of the reconciler and into
    React DOM.
    `flushSync` is a renderer API, not an isomorphic API, because it has
    behavior that was designed specifically for the constraints of React
    DOM. The equivalent API in a different renderer may not be the same.
    For example, React Native has a different threading model than the
    browser, so it might not make sense to expose a `flushSync` API to the
    JavaScript thread.
    acdlite committed Sep 27, 2021
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    aa17cc2 View commit details
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  2. Make root.unmount() synchronous

    When you unmount a root, the internal state that React stores on the
    DOM node is immediately cleared. So, we should also synchronously
    delete the React tree. You should be able to create a new root using
    the same container.
    acdlite committed Sep 27, 2021
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    8cb21aa View commit details
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