Migrating to react native 0.56 requires updating you ProGuard config to fix Fresco #20604
I migrated from 0.55.4 to 0.56.0 and now ProGuard is failing my Android build. I think Fresco is getting one of its dependencies eliminated by ProGuard, so we need to write a keep line to prevent this. It would be nice to add this to the changelog of 0.56. Or alternatively, should react-native-upgrade do this automatically? I looked at your proguard template files, and they don't seem to have any lines that would fix this. I guess this may have just slipped under the radar.
10:16:29.581 [ERROR] [system.err] Warning: com.facebook.imagepipeline.nativecode.StaticWebpNativeLoader: can't find referenced class com.facebook.common.soloader.SoLoaderShim
10:16:29.581 [ERROR] [system.err] Warning: com.facebook.imagepipeline.nativecode.StaticWebpNativeLoader: can't find referenced class com.facebook.common.soloader.SoLoaderShim
10:16:31.897 [ERROR] [system.err] Warning: there were 2 unresolved references to classes or interfaces.