(Describe your issue in detail.)
OS: macOS High Sierra 10.13.1
Node: 8.9.4
Yarn: Not Found
npm: 5.6.0
Watchman: 4.9.0
Xcode: Xcode 9.2 Build version 9C40b
Android Studio: 3.0 AI-171.4443003
Packages: (wanted => installed)
react: 16.2.0 => 16.2.0
react-native: 0.53.0 => 0.53.0
Expected Behavior
The top card should overlay on top of the bottom card.
Actual Behavior
The top card starts below the bottom card, as zIndex has no effect
Steps to Reproduce
I defined a top card with zIndex of 1, and the other card with zIndex of 0. However, the top card simply
renders below the bottom card, with no overlap.