RCTScreenScale will deadlock if it called for the first time on a non-main thread and the main thread is waiting synchronously for the thread on which RCTScreenScale
is called, because the dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ...)
in RCTUnsafeExecuteOnMainQueueOnceSync
will deadlock in that scenario. I don't know whether this can actually happen in a React Native app, but if not it should probably be commented on in the code (e.g. to prevent people from copying the code without taking this issue into account).
Because of this issue, having a general helper function like RCTUnsafeExecuteOnMainQueueOnceSync
is problematic. For use cases like RCTScreenScale
it's usually better to do the initialization work eagerly at app startup or library load time (e.g. in an Objective-C category load
Apart from this general issue, RCTUnsafeExecuteOnMainQueueOnceSync
also misses a compiler barrier in the second if statement, see the dispatch_once
inline function implementation in more recent libdispatch versions, e.g.
Also, if you copy the internals of dispatch_once
, I'd use exactly the same predicate test against ~0L
instead of 0
, just in case that it may matter for some obscure reason.
Finally, I'd like to point out that RCTScreenScale
currently doesn't handle the case where the scale of the mainScreen
changes, which I think could happen on the Apple TV.