Inverted FlatList displays activity indicator at the bottom #17553
Is this a bug report?
Have you read the Contributing Guidelines?
Environment: all newer environments
Packages: any packages
Target Platform: any platform
Version: 0.53.0 and all other versions of RN that support FlatList with the inverted
Steps to Reproduce
return <FlatList {...props} inverted data={[...]} refreshing={this.state.isLoading} onRefresh={this.someListUpdatingFunction} />
(just add the 'inverted' attribute to any RN<FlatList/>
to reproduce, then try pulling down to refresh, then try pulling up to refresh)
Expected Behavior
onRefresh should allow users to refresh using the most common way that users have been trained to refresh data over the years, which is to "pull down to refresh" and see an ActivityIndicator spinning above the FlatList, never below it... this should be the default even when inverted={true}
Actual Behavior
user has to pull UP to refresh (with Activity Indicator at the bottom) ... literal vs intuitive: when taken "literally", i can agree that this is expected behavior since it is after all "inverted" ... however, when taken "intuitively", it's not so expected, especially for users... I don't think app users have ever been trained to pull up to refresh data, except for maybe in the "OfferUp" chat app!
Most Applicable Use Case
- a chat app, where users pull down to load more chat history that's appended above, similar to how it's done in iOS Messages app
- UIs like terminals, event logs, chat, etc... where it's common to insert new content from the bottom and load old content when the user scrolls to the top or pulls down to refresh
(to reproduce, just add the 'inverted' attribute to any RN <FlatList/>
component using v0.53.0 or any version of RN that supports FlatList)