To install clone the following repo and install with
npm i
To run locally you will need a postgres 'production' database and a user with full permissions. Create these with you favourite db admin tool.
- The database schema can be installed by running
npm run initdb
- The database schema can be installed by running
To run the tests locally you will need a 'testing' database as above.
You will need a .env file in the project root with these fields.
- PGDATABASE={ your local production database name }
- TESTDATABASE={ your local testing database name }
- PGUSER={ your database user name }
- PGPASSWORD={ your database password }
PGUSER and PGPASSWORD can be ommited on some systems. TESTDATABASE is only needed if you would like to run the database tests.
Starting the server.
npm start
- No console loggingnpm run dev
- Minimal error loggingnpm run debug
- Verbose error logging
Running the tests.
npm run test
- Tests that don't use the test databasenpm run testdb
- Tests that DO use the test database
Populating the database with demo users and example decks
npm run initdemodb
- This will give you several example decks and 4 test users...
- user: meg, email: meg@iscool.com, password: password
- user: joe, email: joe@iscool.com, password: password
- user: pat, email: pat@iscool.com, password: password
- user: bob, email: bob@iscool.com, password: password
- Note that at the time of writing creating decks isn't yet possible on the front end so you will probably want to do this.
Full API docs here...
https://hackmd.io/pm56shSXSHeQqLBeRZ2olw (copy as of 29-May-2020)