A Typescript Deno-first refactoring of mustache.js.
import { render } from 'https://deno.land/x/mustache_ts/mustache.ts';
const template = '{{title}} spends {{calc}}'
const view = {
title: 'Joe',
calc: () => 2 + 4
const output = render(template, view)
<b>{{title}}</b> spends <i>{{calc}}</i>
import { renderFile } from 'https://deno.land/x/mustache_ts/mustache.ts';
const view = {
title: 'Joe',
calc: () => 2 + 4
const output = await renderFile('./template.html', view)
import { renderFile } from 'https://deno.land/x/mustache_ts/mustache.ts';
type: 'mustache',
basePath: `${Deno.cwd()}/views/`, // path to folder views
getBody: (path: string, model: Object, config: ViewRenderConfig) =>
renderFile(normalize(`${config.basePath}${path}.html`), model)
- Author, Fabrizio Delcompare @fabrv
- Tests and Github Workflow, Rustam @irustm
- Original project, Mustache.js