Using a third party (Javascript) React component is straightforward for most components. There are three ways of declaring a third party React component in F# - either by declaring a Discriminated Union where each case has one field; by declaring a record type for the props with the Pojo attribute; or by using an untyped list of (string * obj)
tuples. All three ways are described below.
Some components have a Typescript definition available, either because the component was authored in Typescript or someone created a type definition for the Definitely Typed project. If this is the case then you can try the ts2fable tool to convert this React component type definition from Typescript to a Fable type declaration - it might need some tweaking but for components with a big API surface this can be a real time saver.
- Using third party React components
- Table of contents
- Using a React component by declaring a Discriminated Union props type
- Importing using a Pojo (plain old JS object) record
- Passing in props as tuples (without a type declaration of the props)
- Edgecases
The basic steps when working with a Discriminated Union are:
Using yarn or npm, install the react component you want to use.
For example to use the rc-progress React component which we'll be using in this tutorial, run the following command inside your Fable project root folder:
yarn add rc-progress
Reference the documentation of the React component to find out which props the component supports and declare them as an F# type (see below for the two supported mechanisms). You can define only a subset of supported props in F# if you don't need to cover the full props options that the React component supports.
For example to expose the percent, strokeWidth and strokeColor props of the rc-progress components:
type ProgressProps =
| Percent of int
| StrokeWidth of int
| StrokeColor of string
If one of the props is treated as a string enum in Javascript (e.g. if there is a size prop with the supported values "small", "normal" and "big"), then the [<StringEnum>]
attribute can be very useful for defining helper types (see the StringEnum docs for more info):
type Size =
| Small
| Normal
| Big
type SomeComponentProps =
| Size of Size
| ...
There are several different ways to declare exports in Javascript (default imports, member imports, namespace imports); depending on how the Javascript React component was declared, you have to choose the right import. Refer to the Fable docs for more information on imports.
Using the ofImport
function you instruct Fable which component should be instantiated when the creation function is called.
In the example of rc-progress, to declare a progressLine
creation function that imports the Line
component from the library rc-progress
, you would declare it as follows.
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
open Fable.React
open Fable.React.Props
let inline progressLine (props : ProgressProps list) (elems : ReactElement list) : ReactElement =
ofImport "Line" "rc-progress" (keyValueList CaseRules.LowerFirst props) elems
The keyValueList
function is used to convert the props of type IProgressProps list
to a JavaScript object where the key is the lower case name of the discriminated union case identifier and the value is the field value of the discriminated union (e.g. if the list that is passed into the function is [Percent 40; StrokeColor "red"]
, the Javascript object that will be passed to the props
of the Line
react component would look like this: { percent: 40, strokeColor: "red" }
In the docs of the rc-progress React component the import style used is a member import (e.g. import { Line, Circle } from 'rc-progress';
), so we refer to the component member Line
directly in the ofImport expression.
If the export is declard as a default export, then you would use "default"
as the member name.
Taking react-native-qrcode-scanner as an example:
To translate the example
import QRCodeScanner from 'react-native-qrcode-scanner';
you would declare your function like
let inline qr_code_scanner (props : QRCodeScannerProps list) : ReactElement =
ofImport "default" "react-native-qrcode-scanner" (keyValueList CaseRules.LowerFirst props) []
Some React components must be instantiated as follows in JS:
import { Select } from 'react-select'
let render = () => <Select.Creatable options={...} />
In this case, you can also use ofImport
to directly access the field of the imported item:
// Import { Select } from "react-select" and then access the "Creatable" field
ofImport "Select.Creatable" "react-select" myOptions []
// Also compatible with default imports
ofImport "default.Creatable" "react-select" myOptions []
If you already have a reference to the imported component, then you can also use createElement
The default import above could also be rewritten like this:
let rnqs = importDefault "react-native-qrcode-scanner"
createElement(rnqs, (keyValueList CaseRules.LowerFirst props), [])
Please note it's also OK to duplicate
with same member and path. In this case, Fable will automatically group the imports.
let foo1 = ofImport "default" "react-foo" { height = 25 } []
let foo2 = ofImport "default" "react-foo" { height = 50 } []
The function you declared in step 2 now behaves just like any other React component function.
To use the component in a Fable-Elmish view function:
let view (model : Model) (dispatch : Msg -> unit) =
[ progressLine [ Percent model.currentProgress; StrokeColor "red" ] [] ]
If you want to get from your component state back in F# code, you need to follow react documentation : to propagate component state to upper components.
Insert a function in your props to get state back.
// Define function in props
type ComponentProps =
| GetState of (DateTime -> unit)
| ...
// sample function matching props signature
let logDateTimeSelected (d : DateTime) =
printfn "Date : %A" d
// Component definition (here a calendar)
let inline Calendar (props : ComponentProps list) : Fable.React.ReactElement =
ofImport "default" "./CalendarComponent.tsx" (keyValueList CaseRules.LowerFirst props) []
// Component initialization with props
div [] [
Calendar [ GetState logDateTimeSelected ]
On Javascript/TypeScript side, you need to use this props within your component
// Define component props
export interface IComponentProps {
// new props matching F# ComponentProps definition
getState : ((date : Date) => void)
// within JS/TS event handler use your props function
private _onSelectDate(date: Date): void {
This is similar to the approach above, but instead of declaring a DU you create a record. Using a record to express the props looks more like idiomatic F# code but it can be unwieldy if you have a lot of optional props. Since this is common with React components, using the DU approach above can often be more convenient.
type ProgressProps =
{ percent : int
strokeWidth : int
strokeColor : string
let inline progressLine (props : ProgressProps) (elems : ReactElement list) : ReactElement =
ofImport "Line" "rc-progress" props elems
The third way of using a React component is to not give an F# type to the Props at all and simply pass a list of (string * obj)
tuples to the createObj
helper function which turns the list into a Javascript object and passes it as the props of the React component. This of course has the least level of type safety but it can be convenient for prototyping. The ==>
operator is defined in the Fable.Core.JsInterop module to make (string * obj)
tuple creation easier to read.
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
ofImport "Line" "rc-progress" (createObj ["strokeWidth" ==> 5]) []
// You can also use anonymous records
ofImport "Line" "rc-progress" {| strokeWidth = 5 |} []
This documentation needs to be extended to cover Higher Order Components and maybe Context, Fragments etc. Contributions are welcome!