When react renders the view and encounters an error it will by default just crash the complete application. If your html page only contains a single react element your page will be essentially a white page from this point and the user needs to reload the website.
The problem is that a simple try-catch
in the view will not be enough to handle errors in the render-pipeline.
In order to catch these errors you need to overwrite componentDidCatch
, this process is documented here
While render-errors are rare when using fable it can happen, especially when embedding 3rd-party-components. Because of this we provide a general purpose ReactErrorBoundary component which can be added and used from your application (including elmish-architecture)
Just copy the following code to your project:
module ReactErrorBoundary
open Fable.Core
open Fable.React
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] InfoComponentObject =
abstract componentStack: string with get
type ErrorBoundaryProps =
{ Inner : React.ReactElement
ErrorComponent : React.ReactElement
OnError : exn * InfoComponentObject -> unit }
type ErrorBoundaryState =
{ HasErrors : bool }
// See https://github.com/MangelMaxime/Fulma/blob/master/docs/src/Widgets/Showcase.fs
// See https://reactjs.org/docs/error-boundaries.html
type ErrorBoundary(props) =
inherit React.Component<ErrorBoundaryProps, ErrorBoundaryState>(props)
do base.setInitState({ HasErrors = false })
override x.componentDidCatch(error, info) =
let info = info :?> InfoComponentObject
x.props.OnError(error, info)
x.setState({ HasErrors = true })
override x.render() =
if (x.state.HasErrors) then
let renderCatchSimple errorElement element =
ofType<ErrorBoundary,_,_> { Inner = element; ErrorComponent = errorElement; OnError = fun _ -> () } [ ]
let renderCatchFn onError errorElement element =
ofType<ErrorBoundary,_,_> { Inner = element; ErrorComponent = errorElement; OnError = onError } [ ]
Usage from an elmish application could look similar to this:
Consider you have a SubComponent
which might run into rendering issues and an ErrorComponent
you want to show if a rendering issue occurs:
let view model dispatch =
SubComponent.view model dispatch
|> ReactErrorBoundary.renderCatchFn
(fun (error, info) ->
//dispatch (MyMessage ...)
logger.Error("SubComponent failed to render" + info.componentStack, error))
(ErrorComponent.view model dispatch)
If you don't need the OnError
let view model dispatch =
SubComponent.view model dispatch
|> ReactErrorBoundary.renderCatchSimple
(ErrorComponent.view model dispatch)