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MonoClient is a TypeScript package that provides a simple and intuitive way to interact with the Mono API. Whether you're managing customer data, retrieving bank lists, or performing other API operations, MonoClient makes integration effortless and efficient.


  • Easy Integration: Connect to the Mono API with minimal setup.
  • Intuitive Methods: Access common API endpoints with clearly defined methods.
  • TypeScript Support: Leverage TypeScript for type safety and better development experience.
  • Error Handling: Built-in error handling for robust and reliable API interactions.


You can install MonoClient via npm:

npm install mono-client

Or with yarn:

yarn add mono-client


Here's how you can get started with MonoClient:


First, create an instance of MonoClient with your Mono API secret key:

import MonoClient from 'mono-client';

const client = new MonoClient('your-secret-key');



mono-client direct Method Description
getBankList() Retrieves a list of banks.
getBankCoverage() Retrieves the coverage details for supported banks.
connect Contains methods for managing connections and authorizations.
customer Contains methods for managing customer data and interactions.
directPay Contains methods for handling one-time and recurring payments.
lookUp Contains methods for performing various lookups, such as CAC, TIN, NIN, and more.

Example Usage:

    import MonoClient from 'mono-client';

    const monoClient = new MonoClient({ apiKey: 'your-api-key-here' });

    // 1. Retrieve a list of banks
        .then(banks => {
            console.log("List of Banks:", banks);
        .catch(error => {
            console.error("Error fetching bank list:", error);

    // 2. Retrieve coverage details for supported banks
        .then(coverage => {
            console.log("Bank Coverage Details:", coverage);
        .catch(error => {
            console.error("Error fetching bank coverage details:", error);


  1. getBankList():

    • Description: This method fetches a list of all the banks supported by the Mono API. The list typically includes the bank's name, code, and other relevant details.
    • Usage: The example demonstrates how to use the getBankList() method to retrieve and print the list of banks.
  2. getBankCoverage():

    • Description: This method retrieves detailed information about the coverage of supported banks. It includes details on which banks are supported for specific features or operations.
    • Usage: The example shows how to call the getBankCoverage() method to fetch and display the coverage details.

These examples illustrate how easy it is to integrate the mono-client library's direct methods into your project.


Below is a table summarizing the methods in the ConnectMethods class, categorized by their respective groups:

Category Method Description Parameters Returns
Authorization accountLinking Links a new account to the service. data: AccountLinkingRequest Promise<AccountLinkingResponse>
exchangeToken Exchanges an authorization token for access credentials. data: ExchangeTokenRequest Promise<ExchangeTokenResponse>
accountReauthorisation Reauthorizes an existing account, typically to refresh access tokens. data: AccountReauthorizationRequest Promise<AccountReauthorizationResponse>
Account Management getAccounts Retrieves all accounts associated with the user. None Promise<AccountsResponse>
getDetails Fetches details of a specific account by ID. id: string Promise<AccountDetailsResponse>
getIdentity Retrieves the identity information associated with an account. id: string Promise<AccountIdentityResponse>
getBalance Fetches the current balance of a specific account. id: string Promise<AccountBalanceResponse>
getIncome Retrieves income information for an account over a specified period. id: string, period: string = "" Promise<IncomeResponse>
getIncomeRecords Retrieves a paginated list of income records for a specific account. id: string, page: string = "" Promise<IncomeRecordsResponse>
getCreditWorthiness Evaluates and retrieves creditworthiness information for a specific account. id: string, data: CreditWorthinessRequest Promise<CreditWorthinessResponse>
unLink Unlinks a previously connected account. id: string Promise<UnlinkResponse>
Statements statements Fetches an account statement for a specified period in the desired format (JSON or PDF). id: string, period: string, output: string = 'Json', format: string = "v2" Promise<StatementResponseJSON | StatementResponsePDF>
Transactions transactions Retrieves transactions for an account within a specified date range and criteria. id: string, start: string, end: string, narration: string, type: string, paginate: boolean, limit: number Promise<TransactionsResponse>
Investment getAssets Retrieves information about investment assets held in a specific account. id: string Promise<AssetResponse>
getEarnings Fetches earnings from investments for a specific account. id: string Promise<EarningsResponse>
Data Enrichment getCategorisation Fetches transaction categorization for a specific account. id: string Promise<CategorisationResponse>
getCategorisationRecords Retrieves all transaction categorization records. None Promise<CategorisationRecordsResponse>
getMetadata Fetches metadata associated with transactions for a specific account. id: string Promise<MetadataResponse>
getMetadataRecords Retrieves all transaction metadata records. None Promise<MetadataRecordsResponse>
getStatementInsight Fetches insights derived from account statements for a specific account. id: string Promise<StatementInsightResponse>
getInsightRecords Retrieves all records related to statement insights for a specific account. id: string Promise<InsightRecordsResponse>
Cash Flow getCredit Retrieves credit transactions for a specific account. id: string Promise<CreditTransactionsResponse>
getDebit Retrieves debit transactions for a specific account. id: string Promise<DebitTransactionsResponse>

This table organizes the methods within the ConnectMethods class based on their functionality, providing a quick reference for each method's purpose, required parameters, and return type.

Example Usage:

import MonoClient from 'mono-client';

const monoClient = new MonoClient({ apiKey: 'your-api-key-here' });

// Sample data for account linking and token exchange
const accountLinkingData = { /* Your account linking data here */ };
const tokenExchangeData = { /* Your token exchange data here */ };

async function linkAccount() {
    try {
        const response = await monoClient.connect.bankData.authorization.accountLinking(accountLinkingData);
        console.log("Account Linking Response:", response);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error linking account:", error);

async function exchangeToken() {
    try {
        const response = await monoClient.connect.bankData.authorization.exchangeToken(tokenExchangeData);
        console.log("Token Exchange Response:", response);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error exchanging token:", error);

// Call the functions


  1. linkAccount():

    • Description: This function uses the accountLinking method to link a bank account. The try-catch block is used to handle the success and failure of the operation.
    • Usage: The function is called to execute the account linking process, and results or errors are handled and logged appropriately.
  2. exchangeToken():

    • Description: This function uses the exchangeToken method to exchange an authorization token for access credentials. It also uses try-catch for error handling.
    • Usage: The function is invoked to perform the token exchange operation, with results or errors being managed and logged.

These examples illustrate how to use the authorization methods from the connect.bankData namespace in the mono-client library to handle account linking and token exchange operations.


Here is a table summarizing the methods in the CustomerMethods class:

Method Name Description HTTP Method Endpoint Request Body Response Type
createCustomer.individual Creates a new individual customer. POST EndPoints.Customer IndividualCustomerRequest IndividualCustomerResponse Creates a new business customer. POST EndPoints.Customer BusinessCustomerRequest BusinessCustomerResponse
getCustomer Retrieves customer data by ID. GET ${EndPoints.Customer}${customer_id} None CustomerDataResponse
getAllCustomers Retrieves all customers with optional filters (page, phone, email). GET ${EndPoints.Customer}?page={page}&phone={phone}&email={email} None CustomerDataResponse
getCustomerTransactions Retrieves customer transactions by customer ID and period, with optional pagination (page). GET ${EndPoints.Customer}/${customer_id}/transactions?period={period}&page={page} None CustomerTransactionsResponse
updateCustomer Updates the details of an existing customer. PATCH ${EndPoints.Customer}${customer_id} UpdateCustomerDetails UpdateCustomerDetailsResponse
deleteCustomer Deletes a customer by ID. DELETE ${EndPoints.Customer}${customer_id} None DeleteCustomerDetailsResponse

This table organizes the details of each method within the CustomerMethods class, including the HTTP method used, the endpoint, the request body (if any), and the expected response type.

Example Usage:

import MonoClient from 'mono-client';

const monoClient = new MonoClient({ apiKey: 'your-api-key-here' });

// 1. Create a new individual customer
const individualCustomerData = {
    name: "John Doe",
    email: "",
    phone: "1234567890",
    date_of_birth: "1990-01-01",
    // Add other required fields as per API documentation

    .then(response => {
        console.log("Individual Customer Created:", response);
    .catch(error => {
        console.error("Error creating individual customer:", error);

// 2. Create a new business customer
const businessCustomerData = {
    business_name: "Tech Solutions Ltd.",
    contact_email: "",
    phone: "0987654321",
    registration_number: "1234567890",
    // Add other required fields as per API documentation
    .then(response => {
        console.log("Business Customer Created:", response);
    .catch(error => {
        console.error("Error creating business customer:", error);


  1. createCustomer.individual(data: IndividualCustomerRequest):

    • Description: This method sends a request to the Mono API to create an individual customer with the provided details, such as name, email, phone number, and date of birth.
    • Usage: The example demonstrates how to use the createCustomer.individual method to create a new individual customer and handle the response or error.
  2. BusinessCustomerRequest):

    • Description: This method sends a request to the Mono API to create a business customer with the provided details, including business name, contact email, phone number, and registration number.
    • Usage: The example shows how to call the method to create a new business customer and process the response or error.

These examples illustrate how to use the createCustomer methods of the mono-client library to create individual and business customers. Adjust the data fields according to the API's requirements.


Below is a table outlining the DirectPayMethods along with the corresponding endpoints, methods, and descriptions for each of the actions:

Method Name Endpoint HTTP Method Description
oneTime.initiatePayment EndPoints.InitiateOneTimePayment POST Initiates a one-time payment request.
oneTime.verifyPayment EndPoints.VerifyOneTimePayment POST Verifies the status of a one-time payment using a reference ID.
oneTime.getAllTransactions EndPoints.Payment/transactions GET Retrieves a list of transactions for one-time payments based on provided filters.
reccurring.initiate EndPoints.InitiateMandate POST Initiates a recurring payment mandate authorization.
reccurring.createMandate EndPoints.CreateMandate POST Creates a new recurring payment mandate.
reccurring.verifyOTP.setMethod EndPoints.VerifyMandateOTP POST Sets the OTP verification method for a recurring payment mandate.
reccurring.verifyOTP.verify EndPoints.VerifyMandateOTP POST Verifies the OTP for a recurring payment mandate.
reccurring.getMandate EndPoints.CreateMandate/:id GET Retrieves the details of a specific recurring payment mandate by ID.
reccurring.getAllMandate EndPoints.CreateMandate GET Retrieves all recurring payment mandates with pagination.
reccurring.cancelMandate EndPoints.CreateMandate/:id/cancel PATCH Cancels a specific recurring payment mandate by ID.
reccurring.pauseMandate EndPoints.CreateMandate/:id/pause PATCH Pauses a specific recurring payment mandate by ID.
reccurring.reinstateMandate EndPoints.CreateMandate/:id/reinstate PATCH Reinstates a specific recurring payment mandate by ID.
reccurring.getMandateBalance EndPoints.CreateMandate/:id/balance-inquiry GET Retrieves the balance of a specific recurring payment mandate by ID, with optional amount filtering.
reccurring.getDebit EndPoints.CreateMandate/:id/debits/:reference GET Retrieves a specific debit transaction for a recurring payment mandate, with optional reference filtering.
reccurring.getAllDebit EndPoints.CreateMandate/:id/debits GET Retrieves all debit transactions for a specific recurring payment mandate by ID.
reccurring.debitAccount EndPoints.CreateMandate/:id/debit POST Debits an account for a recurring payment mandate by ID.
getPayout EndPoints.Payouts GET Retrieves payout information based on the provided status.
getPayoutsTransactions EndPoints.Payouts/:status/transactions GET Retrieves payout transactions based on the provided status and account.
RequestRefund EndPoints.PayoutsRefund POST Requests a refund for a payout using the provided reference ID and source type (wallet or payout).

This table gives a clear overview of the methods available in the DirectPayMethods class, along with their corresponding endpoints, HTTP methods, and brief descriptions.

Example Usage:

import MonoClient from 'mono-client';
import { InitiatePaymentRequest, InitiatePaymentResponse } from 'mono-client/interfaces';

const monoClient = new MonoClient({ apiKey: 'your-api-key-here' });

// Example data for initiating a payment
const paymentData: InitiatePaymentRequest = {
    amount: 10000, // Amount in smallest currency unit (e.g., kobo for Naira)
    currency: 'NGN', // Currency code
    redirect_url: '', // URL to redirect after payment
    // Additional fields required by the API can be added here

async function handlePayment() {
    try {
        // 1. Initiate a one-time payment request
        const paymentResponse: InitiatePaymentResponse = await monoClient.directPay.oneTime.initiatePayment(paymentData);
        console.log("Payment Initiated Successfully:", paymentResponse);
        // Redirect user or handle the response as needed
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error initiating payment:", error);
        // Handle errors here, e.g., show error message to the user

// Call the function to handle the payment


  1. initiatePayment(data: InitiatePaymentRequest): Promise<InitiatePaymentResponse>:
    • Description: This method initiates a one-time payment request using the DirectPay service. It sends a POST request with the payment data and returns a promise that resolves to the payment initiation response.
    • Usage:
      • The paymentData object contains the required fields to initiate the payment, such as amount, currency, and redirect_url.
      • The handlePayment function demonstrates how to use initiatePayment to start a payment and handle the response or errors using try-catch.
      • If the payment is successfully initiated, the user will be redirected to the specified URL with a reference and status. If the payment fails, the user will be redirected with an additional reason for the failure.

These examples showcase how to integrate the mono-client library's oneTime methods for handling one-time payments in your project while managing errors effectively.


Here's a table summarizing the lookup methods within the LookUpMethods class, including the method names, parameters, and return types:

Method Name Parameters Return Type Description
lookupHomeAddress meter_number: string, address: string Promise<HomeAddressResponse> Looks up home address information based on meter number and address.
lookupInternationalPassport passport_number: string, last_name: string, date_of_birth: string Promise<InternationalPassportResponse> Looks up international passport information based on passport number, last name, and date of birth.
lookupTIN number: string, channel: string Promise<TINLookupResponse> Looks up TIN (Tax Identification Number) information based on the TIN number and channel.
lookupNIN nin: string Promise<NINLookupResponse> Looks up NIN (National Identification Number) information based on the NIN.
lookupDriversLicence license_number: string, date_of_birth: string, first_name: string, last_name: string Promise<DriverLicenseLookupResponse> Looks up driver's license information based on license number, date of birth, first name, and last name.
lookupAccountNumber nip_code: string, account_number: string Promise<AccountNumberLookupResponse> Looks up account number information based on NIP code and account number.
lookupCreditHistory provider: string, bvn: string Promise<CreditHistoryLookupResponse> Looks up credit history information based on provider and BVN (Bank Verification Number).
lookupMashUp nin: string, bvn: string, date_of_birth: string Promise<MashupLookupResponse> Looks up mashup information based on NIN, BVN, and date of birth.

This table gives a clear overview of the various methods within the LookUpMethods class, making it easier to understand and utilize each method's purpose, inputs, and outputs.

Here’s how you can structure the example usage and explanation for the first two methods under LookUpMethods:

Example Usage:

import MonoClient from 'mono-client';

const client = new MonoClient("your-api-key-here");

// 1. Initiate a BVN verification process
client.lookUpClient.BVN.initiate('12345678901', 'scope_example')
    .then(response => {
        console.log("BVN Initiation Response:", response);
    .catch(error => {
        console.error("Error initiating BVN verification:", error);

// 2. Verify the BVN using a specified method
client.lookUpClient.BVN.verify('otp', '1234567890', 'session-id-example')
    .then(response => {
        console.log("BVN Verification Response:", response);
    .catch(error => {
        console.error("Error verifying BVN:", error);


  1. initiate:

    • Description: This method starts the BVN verification process. It requires a Bank Verification Number (bvn) and a verification scope (scope). The response includes a session ID, which will be needed for subsequent verification steps.
    • Usage: The example demonstrates how to call the initiate method to start the BVN verification process and print the response.
  2. verify:

    • Description: This method verifies the BVN using a specified method (e.g., OTP). It requires the verification method, phone number associated with the BVN, and a session ID obtained from the initiation response. The response includes details of the verification process.
    • Usage: The example shows how to call the verify method to complete the BVN verification and print the response.

These examples illustrate how to integrate the LookUpMethods class methods into your application, making it straightforward to initiate and verify BVN information.

API Reference


constructor(MONO_SECRET_KEY: string)

Creates an instance of MonoClient with the specified secret key.

Reference: Mono API Documentation

async getBankList(): Promise<BanksResponse>

Fetches the list of banks.

Returns: A promise that resolves to the list of banks.

Reference: Get Bank List

public customer.createCustomer(data: CreateCustomerRequest): Promise<CreateCustomerResponse>

Creates a new customer with the provided data.


  • data: The customer data to be sent in the request.

Returns: A promise that resolves to the response of the customer creation request.

Reference: Customer Methods

public connect.someMethod(data: ConnectRequest): Promise<ConnectResponse>

Contains methods for managing connections and authorizations.

Reference: Connect Methods

public directPay.someMethod(data: DirectPayRequest): Promise<DirectPayResponse>

Contains methods for handling one-time and recurring payments.

Reference: DirectPay Methods

public lookUp.someMethod(data: LookUpRequest): Promise<LookUpResponse>

Contains methods for performing various lookups, such as CAC, TIN, NIN, and more.

Reference: LookUp Methods

async getBankCoverage(): Promise<CoverageResponse>

Retrieves the coverage details for supported banks.

Returns: A promise that resolves to the bank coverage details.

Reference: Get Bank Coverage


We welcome contributions to MonoClient! If you'd like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or fix.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Submit a pull request with a description of your changes.


MonoClient is licensed under the MIT License.


If you have any questions or issues, please open an issue on the GitHub repository or contact us at