MySensors Firmware for Atlas scentific ORP sensor (EZO/ORP) and i2c protocol
- Wemos D1 (not mini) or Iteaduino UNO (be carefull standard UNO R3 doesn't work out of the box with RFM69 radio because input are not 5V compliant). Can work with any 3.3V UNO board (Seedstudio ?)
- Atlas Scientific ORP Probe
- Atlas scientific EZO/ORP configured in I2C mode (see datasheet)
- Atlas scientfic Tentacle Shield Mini or Tentacle (untested)
- RFM69 Radio or NRF24L01 (not tested)
- MySensors Gateway
- Water ;)
- Platformio (not tested with arduino IDE)
- MySensors Controller (Personnaly I use OpenHab2 with Mysensors plugin)
Early Stage (only retrieve ORP)
- Add other function in ORP library (calibrate, led ...)
- Add Web server for Wemos Target (Almost done put not on github now)
- Add MQTT
- Allow user to chose firmware features (Web/MySensors)