Workflow based on the AWS FINRA case study and the workflow implementation from RMMap.
First, upload the transaction data to analyze. We use a data dump from Yahoo finance:
faasmctl s3.upload-file \
--bucket ${BUCKET_NAME} \
--host-path ${PROJ_ROOT}/datasets/finra/yfinance.csv \
--s3-path finra/yfinance.csv
Second, upload the WASM files for each stage in the workflow:
faasmctl upload.workflow \
finra \$(cat ${PROJ_ROOT}/VERSION):/usr/local/faasm/wasm/finra
Lastly, you may invoke the driver function to trigger workflow execution with 20 inference functions:
faasmctl invoke finra driver --cmdline "finra/yfinance.csv 20"
The original paper calls for 200 parallel instances but, given the lack of scalability of both SGX and SNP, we stick with 20.
First, deploy the workflow to the k8s cluster with bare-metal access to SEV nodes:
export RUNTIME_CLASS_NAME=kata-qemu-sev
kubectl apply -f ${PROJ_ROOT}/workflows/k8s_common.yaml
envsubst < ${PROJ_ROOT}/workflows/finra/knative/workflow.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
Second, upload the trades data to the MinIO server in K8s:
export MINIO_URL=$(kubectl -n tless get services -o jsonpath='{.items[?("minio")].spec.clusterIP}')
# Clean bucket first
invrs s3 clear-bucket --prefix finra
# Upload all data files in the directory
invrs s3 upload-key \
--host-path ${PROJ_ROOT}/datasets/finra/yfinance.csv \
--s3-path finra/yfinance.csv
then you may execute the workflow by running:
To re-build the dataset, you may run, from this directory:
python3 ./