- None
- modified the CI configurations (#117)
- modified the CMakeLists.txt to fix wrong path (ros/rosdistro#17019)
- Contributors: Pyo
- modified the CMakeLists.txt to fix wrong path
- Contributors: Pyo
- added conver function to PRO user
- added dxl_info_cnt init function
- added compatibility for different protocol
- added static
- added convert function
- added baudrate sorting
- added all dynamixel series
- added RX-10
- added millis
- added init dynamixel example
- added setting for packet handler
- added monitor example
- added item
- added dynamixel_item
- added toolbox_ros and modified arduino path
- added linux build and example
- added begin and getprotocolversion function
- modified linux version
- modified description
- modified model_info
- modified variable range
- modified setTools function
- modified sync function
- modified merge conflict
- modified variable name
- modified reset function
- modified function name and return variable name
- modified name of return var
- modified item name
- modified reset function
- modified item name (added underscore)
- modified function name
- modified function for ROS depend
- modified function to make space
- modified begin function to reduce storage space
- modified MX (2.0) protocol setting bug
- modified example
- modified sync and bulk comm
- modified lib
- modified begin
- modified variable
- modified begin function
- modified joint and wheel mode
- modified variable name
- modified begin function
- modified set function
- modified dynamixel item
- modified scan function
- modified folder tree
- modified dynamixel_tool
- modified toolbox structure
- modified .device and modified funtion for opencm and opencr
- modified ifdef
- modified get file
- modified arduino version
- modified get device in arduino
- fixed reset bug
- deleted dead code
- deleted empty space
- deleted xl define
- deleted debug code and update ping func
- test OpenCM
- Contributors: Darby Lim, Yoonseok Pyo
- modified dependency
- Contributors: Darby Lim
- None
- added rospy for the issue ROBOTIS-GIT/dynamixel-workbench#77
- Contributors: Darby Lim
- bug fixed
- updated error msg
- updated get model path
- updated Dynamixel PRO
- updated Dynamixel XL, XM and XH
- updated annotation
- updated multi driver
- updated address name
- updated msg name
- modified launch files
- modified variable
- modified file location
- added sync read
- added multi read function
- added multi_driver
- changed BSD license to Apache 2.0 license
- Contributors: Darby Lim
- modified the cmake of toolbox
- Contributors: Darby Lim
- toolbox bug fixed
- added dynamixel new model: XL430_W250
- added dynamixel new model: XH
- renamed current controller -> torque controller
- Contributors: Darby Lim
- modifiy folder path
- add drive_mode in XM series
- Contributors: Darby Lim
- modify beta test feedback
- Contributors: Darby Lim
- Revert "add baudrate combobox and modify velocity controller" This reverts commit f4f83761d687c40660a2c864aa4fcbebe1df4ea4.
- add baudrate combobox and modify velocity controller
- Contributors: Darby Lim
- modified the package information for release
- edit cmake and xml files
- modify message
- add multiport controller and torque controller
- add position, velocity controller and pan-tilt, wheel tutorials
- add GUI package
- add pan tilt and wheel node in tutorial package
- add tutorial package
- add position, velocity, torque control package and change workbench_tool to workbench_toolbox
- Contributors: Darby Lim, Pyo