Redis GUI is based on the following technologies:
- electron
- react
- mobx
- ioredis
- webpack
- postcss
- Create/edit/delete direct, cluster or sentinel connections to Redis
- Setting ssh and tls settings for connections
- Viewing prefixes and keys in tree structure
- Creating new keys and editing or deleting existing key values
According to the system theme we use appropriate theme (light or dark) in the applications:
Type the following command to install dependencies:
$ make deps
To run webpack and electron build and type the following command:
$ make dev
To make a final build of js and css codebase type the following command:
$ make build
To make electron build of the whole release use the following command:
$ make electron-rebuild
To start linting tests type the following command:
$ make lint
- Name of all files for components should start from lowercase letter and words should be separated by a dash (date-range, multi-action-button).
- Code style (eslint, typescript).
- For css class names use BEM methodology.
Redis GUI is released under the MIT License.