The Stack Interpreter is a beginner-friendly runtime assembly interpreter that operates with custom mnemonics (see below), functioning as an RPN calculator.
With a deliberate emphasis on simplicity over efficiency, this project serves as an accessible learning tool, allowing other students to understand basic emulator mechanics while exploring the fundamentals of stack-based architectures.
Check the version of the installed java (compiler):
java --version
javac --version
Sample output:
$ java --version
openjdk 17.0.1 2021-10-19
$ javac --version
javac 17.0.1
To compile the code successfully, you need at least version 16!
Install the Java 17 Development Kit (optional):
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk
Run the Java compiler:
javac -verbose -d ./classes $(find ./src/**/*.java)
Run the Java archiver:
(cd classes && jar --verbose --create --main-class=main.Main --file ../StackInterpreter.jar *)
java -jar StackInterpreter.jar <file name>
The stack interpreter interprets its own language at runtime. It is basically assembly language for a stack architecture hence the name "Stack Interpreter".
The following commands are supported:
Mnemonic | Arguments | Description |
PUSH | <decimal number> | Push a decimal number on the stack. |
PEEK | [String] | Print the value of the most recently added element to the console without removing it. |
POP | [String] | Remove the most recently added element and print its value to the console. |
DUP | - | Duplicate the most recently added value. |
SWAP | - | Change the order of the top two elements on the stack. |
DROP | - | Same as POP, but silent. |
CALL | <label | line number> | Call a subroutine. |
RET | - | End execution of the current subroutine and return to the previous one. |
If the program is returning from :main the remaining stack elements will be printed to the console. | ||
ADD | - | Add the top two elements on the stack and push the result back. |
SUB | - | Subtract the top element from the second one and push the result back. |
SUM | - | Sum up all elements on the stack. After this operation there is exactly one element left holding the result. |
MUL | - | Multiply the top two elements on the stack and push the result back. |
PROD | - | Multiply all elements on the stack with each other. After this operation there is exactly one element left holding the result. |
DIV | - | Divide the second element by the top one and push the result back. |
MOD | - | Same as DIV, but the rest is pushed back on the stack. This operation will only work with Integers! |
SQRT | - | Calculate the square root of the topmost element and push it back on the stack. |
BEQ | <label | line number> | Branch if the second element is equal to the top one. |
BNEQ | <label | line number> | Branch if the second element is not equal to the top one. |
BGT | <label | line number> | Branch if the second element is greater than the top one. |
BGE | <label | line number> | Branch if the second element is greater than or equal to the top one. |
BLT | <label | line number> | Branch if the second element is less than the top one. |
BLE | <label | line number> | Branch if the second element is less than or equal to the top one. |
BEZ | <label | line number> | Branch if the second element is equal to zero. |
BNEZ | <label | line number> | Branch if the second element is not equal to zero. |
JMP | <label | line number> | Branch unconditionally. |
: | <name> | Create a new Label (Do not use whitespace or any other character between ':' and the label name!). |
# | [comment] | Everything in this line is ignored after this character. Use at least one whitespace after a valid mnemonic (or its argument) to comment a code line. |
Any branch operation (B...) removes two elements from the stack. Use DUP beforehand if you want to keep the result of the previous calculation.
Mnemonics are case-insensitive.
Branch to a label using ">label_name" and to an absolute line number using "=number".
You can use quotation marks after PEAK or POP to output multiple words separated by whitespace.
Execution starts at the ":main" label.
Subtract 1 from the starting value 24 as long as the remainder of the division by 3 is not equal to 1.
Pseudo code:
void main() {
Real value = 24;
Real rest;
while(true) {
println("Value", value);
rest = value % 3;
println("Rest", rest);
if (rest == 1) {
value -= 1;
Equivalent (demo) code for the stack interpreter:
:Lcond0 # if (rest == 1) break;
peek Value
push 3
peek Rest
push 1
beq >end
call >Rsub
jmp >Lcond0
:Rsub # value -= 1;
push 0.5
push -1
push 24
jmp >Lcond0
$ java -jar StackInterpreter.jar
PEEK [Value]: 24
PEEK [Rest]: 0
PEEK [Value]: 23.0
PEEK [Rest]: 2
PEEK [Value]: 22.0
PEEK [Rest]: 1
Remaining stack elements on finish: TOP -> [22.0]