Describe the bug
The {eval}
role (user expressions) are not functional in a notebook rendered with nb_execution_mode == 'off'
I expected the renderer to simply fetch the existing execution results from the cell metadata.
I get WARNING: This document does not have a running kernel
This is a problem for people using user expressions/the eval role/directive, because it makes them needlessly useless with nb_execution_mode == 'off'
Reproduce the bug
create a notebook with a code cell
x = 1
and a Markdown cell containing{eval}`x`
. -
Execute the notebook. This results in this output being stored in the cell metadata:
{ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "user_expressions": [ { "expression": "x", "result": { "data": { "text/plain": "1'" }, "metadata": {}, "status": "ok" } } ] }, "source": [ "{eval}`x`" ] },
nb_execution_mode = 'off'
and build the documentation. -
You get the above warning and don’t see the output from the cell metad
List your environment
>>> hatch run docs:pip list
Package Version Editable project location
----------------------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------
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