In attendance: Al, Daisy, Kevin, Max
- Max
- Started a thread for workshops, but they need help with structure– there's a TON of energy
- A community team is working on smartwatch from the thread in #onboard-smartwatch
- Need some sort of community call and workshop
- Kevin
- Unkinking GitHub actions for PRs
- Update, this is being transferred to Max, Kevin will create a GH ticket and assign him
- Unkinking GitHub actions for PRs
- Daisy
- Processing school enrollment verifications daily– process is working so far
- Need to touch base with Kevin to figure out when to merge stuff– unclear what PR review process is
- Some messages need to get out there sooner– Daisy getting spammed with questions like "when the money is coming in"
- After checking the cause closer in the meeting, this was caused by a failed GH action not posting info when it should have
- Fix GitHub actions (Kevin will create a ticket & Max will fix)
- Get in sync on merging process (Daisy chatting with Kevin)
- Community event on Sunday (Kevin)
- Marking,, & announcement support (Al)
- Design and banner (Max)
- Edited call needs an intro (Max will reach out to Maggie)
- Add new vendors to the list
- Also give a way for people to request new vendors
- Al recommended OSHPark
- Can we make a thing that posts to #onboard channel on a submission PR?
- Ideas for starting community events and workshops:
- Hack Clubber runs a “how to create a hackathon badge” <- prioritize this
- Kevin runs a “these are my projects” call this weekend <- prioritize this
- announcement post
- drum up interest in the slack
- like “office hours”, but don’t call it that
- Sunday is open at 3:30-5:30 pm est (let’s do 4pm)
- Reach out to Shawn Mulluwa to write a workshop on a PCB project (they posted in #onboard offering to write workshop copy) (Al)
- Reach out to Maggie on making a video intro for her workshop (her current video is good but needs a quick intro to give context) (Max)
- Reach out to haxidraw team for making a “drawing thing” PCB
- Dashboard for stats
- reach out to a hack clubber about building this
- to display:
- number of forks
- average hang time PRs
- country of submission
- number of merged PRs
- number of open PRs
- average money spent per PRs