In attendance: Al, Daisy, John, Kevin, Max
- John
- IEEE got a proposal and it’s being pitched internally but probably won’t show up until summer
- The LED glasses company (macetech) is really excited and sent him a letter about getting involved
- Kevin
- Has a test template repo with CI checking. Runs on GitHub.
- Max
- Logo thread is started– going to be a pcb we can fabricate
- Lexi is helping with the website and will start tomorrow
- First community event is planned and next step is driving marketing
- Daisy
- Setting up call with Kevin to talk about how PRs will be submitted and transferred to the Bank ops team
- create a private channel so John can post the letter from macetech (Max)
- PCBWay open questions? (Max, support from Kevin)
- how solid is their offering?
- how good is their discount? Does it make them competitive with JLCPCB?
- how is integration with KiCad or other edit we use?
- How is their BOM offering? (Al mentioned this is par-for-the-course to support)
- Create a doc for the proposal message to PCBWay (share with Al, Kevin, John, Zach)
- reply to email from PCBWay
- also forward email to Zach
- Editor decision (Kevin)
- Check if our GitHub CI works with EasyEDA
- Add to submission guidelines (Kevin)
- check your price first
- check your lead-time
- check your BOM is supported
- “With our limited time and energy we’ve made a flow to submit projects with EasyEDA, a tool we recommend for beginners. If you already know KiCad or EagleCad, you can submit with that but you the effort of passing CI is on you.”
- First version of website on Monday (Max)
- First version of submission flow available to test on Saturday (Kevin)
- Update on IEEE by next week (John traveling, but can communicate updates)
- First draft of bank payment flow setup by Friday (Daisy)
- Chat with Kevin about the submissions on GitHub
- Chat with Caleb or Max about automating bank