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SpringOne 2018

ninorana02 edited this page Oct 8, 2018 · 12 revisions

Where- National Harbor, MD When 24 - 27 September 2018

Official Site -


This conference made some important Java announcements for the short and long-term. This conference introduced you to how different companies and even the government are using the core Spring Framework and its several related technologies to deliver software and solve the most bleeding edge problems. This conference introduced you to the problems and technologies that you've thought about, want to know more about, and get an update on. Also available besides the conferences and morning sessions were booths by different vendors that you could visit in the evening and ask questions.

Take Aways

The JDK 11 was released the week of this conference. A topic during one of the morning sessions gave some announcement on JDK 11 vs JDK 8. A session gave some more details later in the day and code samples of Java 11. Java 11 with some of its changes may appear a little like Scala when setting a variable or remind a JavaScript developer similarly of how he sets a variable as you. JDK 8 is a long-term release and will continue to be supported by Oracle w/ updates until 2023. JDK 11 is also a long-term release and will also get support until 2023. There will be incremental short-term releases after JDK 11. Oracle apparently won't continue to contribute to the JDK after another year or so. Pivotal, Azul, and Microsoft are examples of companies that will contribute to the JDK. That can leave one wondering whether the JavaOne conference will be eventually unintentionally cannibalized into the SpringOne conference.

Mongo 4 and Spring Data have a great relationship. Developers from both companies were there for a presentation. Transactions will be available in MongDB 4! Why is this a big deal? For smaller software deliveries like my current project, the last argument on keeping traditional relational databases has been transactions. This argument now goes away.

There were themes of expedient software delivery cycles w/ usage of DevOps to facilitate scalability.

There were themes of scalability throughout this conference. My understanding of when to use Spring Cloud Gateway and then a Kubernetes related technology w/ Docker images is better now as a result of my attendence of this conference and by asking questions later.

What do companies like T-Mobile use when they need to scale for their data source? This was a scaling sub-theme. Well, I spoke to someone at T-Moble and they use Apache Geode of which the professional version is Gemfire, which of course Pivotal makes. The Geode discusions were held on the first day. For the most part, Apache Geode is a data grid more or less and is about the 3rd most active project on Apache.

Finally, getting up to speed on the latest Spring Boot 2.0 and Spring Cloud Data flow was also a lingering them from some of the presentations I attended.


Day 1, some free vendor training and Apache Geode Summit:

Day 2 morning session:

Day 3 morning session:

Day 4 morning session:

Favorite morning session talk, Day 3, Making Ship Happen: This was the presentation of the day that caused the most discussion and interest afterwards. The Air Force apparently has a contract that we should look in on called Kessel Run. Their symbol is even a millenium falcon from Star Wars, with the initials "KR". The idea is that this Air Force officer is sort of sneaking in excellent software into the military. This presentation mentioned how high ranking DoD officials say that the DoD doesn't acquire software all that efficiently. This presentation then went into how often Kessel-Run deploys software. This may have been excellent power-point engineering as it was never explained what kind of software problems and what functionality Kessel-Run is trying to deliver. Nevertheless, these speakers were so enthusiastic that I wanted to find out more.

Building the Unbreakable Continuous Delivery Pipeline: Put Your Concourse on Auto-Pilot with Dynatrace: This was a vendor focused interactive training that left me in the dust. There were no slides, but mere chaos. The room was packed w/ no place to sit. I was not able to understand this presentation.

Apache Geode Summit: There were several presentations, but apparently only a few sets of slides have been released. I did not have any background to Apache Geode and did not know what it was. It apparently is a data grid and this is the open source version of Gemfire. This technology-set is apparently what the big companies use to do more of a planet-scale solution. A bit of the later presentations went over my head, so I left a half hour early and later focused on the conference opening by visiting the different companies' booths and asking questions. Some of these Geode presentations may have been given on other days, but I wanted to provide as many as possible.

JDK 9, 10, 11 and Beyond: Delivering New Feature in the JDK

This presentation followed up on some announcements that were made in the morning session on the JDK. This went into more details w/ code sample changes. This gives you a glimpse of what's next in store for the JDK after 11 by discussing how additional releases will come out. This presentation is a must as it helps drop you hints on what you might need to pick up in Java to grasp some of the changes. Also, many packages will no longer be part of the SE and many deprecations will be finally cleaned out. Yes, Java is finally doing the spring cleaning we've wanted. If you have any deprecated calls, you need to get rid of them now. The JVM for JDK 11 will run on a command-line like Scala.

Spring Framework 5.1 on JDK 8 & 11

This presentation went into detail of the context of the relationship w/ the upcoming JDK 11 and Spring Framework 5.1. It tried to hint at latest developments and enhancements for 5.1 as a result of JDK 11. Java 11 introduces new types, so these changes cascaded into Framework. Framework will have bean streams and GC optimizations as well as improved start-up times. They seem to hint that the Framework API has changed a bit as a result of JDK 11. This encouraged you to learn a little more about a language called Kotlin as there will be Kotlin extensions in Framework 5. Framework 5 will lock-down nullability a bit more via annotations.

A Tale of Two Frameworks: Spring Cloud and Istio

Upgrading to Spring Boot 2.0

This presentation is one I'll be reviewing again to upgrade to Spring Boot 2.0 as it was extremely interactive. It tries to walk you through on what you need to know as a developer to get you to upgrade to Spring boot 2.0. I found it helpful, but it's one to certainly review again.

Securing Microservices in Hybrid Cloud

Mastering Spring Boot's Actuator

Spring Boot 2.0 Web Applications

Next Generation MongoDB: Sessions, Streams, Transactions

This was an instructive presentation that gave Java code samples using Spring Data on how to use transactions w/ the Spring Data and Mongo 4.x. This also brought in a Mongo developer to show you Mongo specific aspects.

Demystifying SAML Using Spring Security

This presentation gave a helpful way of understanding SAML via Avenger's Infinity wars. I recommend watching when you need to review SAML.

Living on the Edge with Spring Cloud Gateway

This dropped me a hint on scalability that I needed. This went into coding examples w/ Spring Cloud data flow and gave some interactive aspects as well.

Building Cloud-Native Data-Intensive Applications with Spring

REST Beyond the Obvious - API Design for Ever-Evolving Systems

This presentation tried to promote and challenge us to use more of the REST service capabilities by using more of HTTP protocol according to my understanding. Whether you agree or disagree, the presentation evokes reflection on the matter.

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