A puppet module that installs artifactory and manages the service. Configuration of artifactory is mainly done through the app. A define is also provided that will fetch artifacts from the repository aideing in application deployments.
Backups are done through the backup rubygem.
Generic artifactory install
class { 'artifactory': serverAlias => [ 'artifactory', 'artifactory.mycompany.com' ] }
Fetching an artifact:
artifactory::fetch_artifact { 'mywar': project => 'myproject', version => '1.2.3', format => 'war', install_path => '/data/tomcat/site', filename => 'myproject-1.2.3-war' }
This will fetch a war of version 1.2.3 of myproject and store it as /data/tomcat/site/myproject-1.2.3-war.
Only tested on CentOS 6
[ ] Make backups optional [ ] Make vhost optional [ ] Add more configurability [ ] Verify against artifactory 3
Released under the Apache 2.0 licence
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