RedditJerk is a simple and easy to use Reddit API wrapper for java.
######Still in development!
//Getting the api instance with useragent as parameter:
Reddit red = RedditApi.getRedditInstance("Reddit client Test v1313");
//OAuth login, returns User object of the logged in account
User myUser = red.login("<username>", "<password>", "<client_id>", "<client_secret>");
//getting a redditor object
User jerkUser = red.getUser("reditor123");
//Give user reditor123 six months worth of Reddit Gold
red.giveGold("reditor123", 6);
//getting user comments, gets 200 newest comments
List<Comment> clist = jerkUser.getComments(200, Sorting.NEW);
//getting user's top 100 submissions
List<Link> slist = jerkUser.getSubmitted(100, Sorting.TOP);
//Getting user's Karma Balance in a moronic subreddit for his last 200 comments
Integer karmaBalance = jerkUser.getKarmaBalance("MensRights", 200);
//Getting a Subreddit object of a subreddit
Subreddit amSubr = red.getSubreddit("ShitAmericansSay");
//get /r/ShitAmericansSay 50 controversial submissions
//get /r/ShitAmericansSay top 10 submissions, default timespan is DAY
//we can also specify the timespan
amSubr.getTop(100, FromPast.ALL_TIME);
amSubr.getTop(100, FromPast.WEEK);
//Subscribe to the subreddit
//Subscribe and unsibscribe from subreddits without gettinga Subreddit object
//and getting it's front page
List<Link> amlinkList = amSubr.getHot(25);
//Getting a reddit Thread object
RedditThread post = red.getRedditThread(
"", Sorting.NEW);
//We can flatten comments like this, this will return all the comments in the
// thread as a flat list, not inclding the MoreComments hidden comments.
List<Comment> flatComments = post.getFlatComments();
//If you want to get ALL the comments you should set fetchMoreComments property of the thread object to true
//before you get the flat comments, this will make a lot of api calls and take a long time.
List<Comment> ALLflatComments = post.getFlatComments();
Link subm = post.getSubmissionPost().getData();
Comment myComment2 = subm.reply("South Park is Awesome!! :P");
//Editing our comment
myComment2.edit("South Park is SUPER Awesome!! :PPP");
//upvoting the submission
//hiding and unhiding the submission
//Reaplying to first comment in the thread, myComment is the object of the comment you just posted.
Comment firstComment = post.getFlatComments().get(0);
Comment myComment1 = firstComment.reply("Hello!");
//we can immidately delete our new comment
//Submitting a new self post in subreddit TheRedPill that is bound to be upvoted and gilded
red.Submit("TheRedPill", "DAE thinks women's job should be to please and serve men !?", "Anyone ? ", "self");
//get top 5 submittions of the week in /r/learnprogramming
List<Link> learnPrgrTop = red.getSubredditPage("learnprogramming", 5, Sorting.TOP, FromPast.WEEK);
//getting /r/learnprogramming's moderators
List<User> learnPrgMods = red.getSubredditModerators("learnprogramming");
//printing their usernames
for(User modusr: learnPrgMods){
//Accept an invitation to be moderator in /r/Movies
//Leaving as moderator in /r/Videos
//remove comment or submission, second parameter: spam= true or false.
red.remove("t3_4jeqzj", true);
//Ignore reports from a thing, submission or comment fullId.
red.distinguish("t3_4jeqzj", Distinguish.YES);
red.distinguish("t3_4jeqzj", Distinguish.ADMIN);
red.distinguish("t3_4jeqzj", Distinguish.SPECIAL);
red.distinguish("t3_4jeqzj", Distinguish.NO);
//Get 100 reported comments in a subreddit you are a moderator of
red.getModerationReportsComments("Movies", Moderation.REPORTED, 100);
//Reported 100 Submissions
red.getModerationReportsSubmissions("Movies", Moderation.REPORTED, 100);
//Get 100 Spam comments
red.getModerationReportsComments("Movies", Moderation.SPAM, 100);
//Get 20 queued moderation Submissions
red.getModerationReportsSubmissions("Movies", Moderation.QUEUE, 20);
//Get 50 Unmoderated Submissions
red.getModerationReportsSubmissions("Movies", Moderation.UNMODERATED, 50);
//Get Edited comments
red.getModerationReportsComments("Movies", Moderation.EDITED, 20);
* Flair API
//Clear the Flair templates, second argument should be either ""USER_FLAIR" for user flairs
// or "LINK_FLAIR" for the link flairs
red.clearFlairTemplates("flairtestsubreddit", "USER_FLAIR");
//Set flair to a link, last argument is css_class, it can be left empty if none
red.linkFlair("Movies", "t3_4jlhec", "GREATEST", "");
//Set flair to a User, last argument is css_class, it can be left empty if none
red.userFlair("Movies", "kakunas", "CRAP!!", "");