- You'll need the following dependencies to build :
sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev libgranite-dev libindicator3-dev sudo apt-get install libwingpanel-2.0-dev valac gcc meson3. Open a Terminal in the extracted folder, build your application with meson and install it with ninja:
meson build --prefix=/usr cd build ninja sudo ninja install4. You need to add Pantheon to the list of desktops abled to work with indicators:
sudo nano /etc/xdg/autostart/indicator-application.desktopSearch the parameter: OnlyShowIn= and add "Pantheon" at the end of the line :
OnlyShowIn=Unity;GNOME;Pantheon;Save your changes (Ctrl+X to quit + Y(es) save the changes + Enter to valid the filename).
5.reboot. Open a terminal in the build folder.
sudo ninja uninstall killall wingpanel