This is from Chapter 8 of Parallel and High Performance Computing book, Robey and Zamora Manning Publications, available at
The book may be obtained at
Copyright 2019-2020 Robert Robey, Yuliana Zamora, and Manning Publications Emails:,
See License.txt for licensing information.
MPI requires either OpenMPI or MPICH
Demonstrates both a simple makefile and cmake
Build with either make or cmake
Run with ./MinWorkExampleMPI
Has both a simple makefile and cmake
Build with either make or cmake
Run ./Send_Recv1 -- always hangs
Run ./Send_Recv2 -- sometimes fails
Run ./Send_Recv3 through ./Send_Recv6
Has both a simple makefile and cmake
Build with either make or cmake
Run ./SynchronizedTimer1
Run ./SynchronizedTimer2
Has both a simple makefile and cmake
Build with either make or cmake
Run ./FileRead
Has both a simple makefile and cmake
Build with either make or cmake
Run ./globalsums
Has both a simple makefile and cmake
Build with either make or cmake
Run ./DebugPrintout
Has both a simple makefile and cmake
Build with either make or cmake
Run ./ScatterGather
Has both a simple makefile and cmake
Build with either make or cmake
Run ./StreamTriad and ./StreamTriadVec
Run the ghost/cart exchange problems with
Edit the file and change the mpirun commands to your liking
./ |& tee results.txt
./ | tee stats.out
Has both a simple makefile and cmake
Build with either make or cmake
Run ./CartExchange