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77 lines (55 loc) · 5.83 KB


NOTE: troubleshooting

  1. Download and install Visual Studio Code.

  2. Open the Extensions view by clicking on the Extension icon in the Activity Bar on the side of Visual Studio Code or the View: Extensions command X.

  3. Search the extension with any related keyword like espressif, esp-idf, esp32, esp32s2, etc.

  4. Install the extension.

  5. Install ESP-IDF Prerequisites and, if using WSL2, the required packages specified in WSL Documentation.

Setup wizard

  1. (OPTIONAL) Press F1 and type ESP-IDF: Select where to save configuration settings, which can be User settings, Workspace settings or workspace folder settings. Please take a look at Working with multiple projects for more information. Default is User settings.
  2. In Visual Studio Code, select menu "View" and "Command Palette" and type [configure esp-idf extension]. After, choose the ESP-IDF: Configure ESP-IDF extension option.
  3. Now the setup wizard window will be shown with several setup options: Express, Advanced or Use existing setup.

NOTE: Use existing setup setup mode option is only shown if:

  • esp-idf.json is found in the current idf.toolsPath (MacOS/Linux users) or idf.toolsPathWin (Windows users). This file is generated when you install ESP-IDF with the IDF Windows installer or using IDF-ENV.
  • ESP-IDF is found in idf.espIdfPath or idf.espIdfPathWin, IDF_PATH environment variable, $HOME/esp/esp-idf on MacOS/Linux and %USERPROFILE%\esp\esp-idf or %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\esp-idf in Windows.
  • ESP-IDF Tools and ESP-IDF Python virtual environment for the previous ESP-IDF are found in idf.toolsPath oridf.toolsPathWin, IDF_TOOLS_PATH environment variable, $HOME\.espressif on MacOS/Linux and %USERPROFILE%\.espressif on Windows.

Select extension mode

  1. Choose Express for the fastest option (or Use existing setup if ESP-IDF is already installed)
  2. If you choose Express setup mode:
    • Pick an ESP-IDF version to download (or find ESP-IDF in your system) and the python executable to create the virtual environment.
    • Choose the location for ESP-IDF Tools and python virtual environment (also known as IDF_TOOLS_PATH) which is $HOME\.espressif on MacOS/Linux and %USERPROFILE%\.espressif on Windows by default.

      NOTE: Windows users don't need to select a python executable since it is part of the setup.

NOTE: Make sure that IDF_PATH and IDF_TOOLS_PATH doesn't have any spaces to avoid any build issues.

Select ESP-IDF

  1. The user will see a page showing the setup progress status showing ESP-IDF download progress, ESP-IDF Tools download and install progress as well as the creation of a python virtual environment.

Install status

  1. (OPTIONAL) If the user have chosen the Advanced option, after ESP-IDF is downloaded and extracted, select to either download ESP-IDF Tools or manually provide each ESP-IDF tool absolute path and required environment variables.

    NOTE: Consider that IDF_PATH requires each ESP-IDF tool to be of the version described in IDF_PATH/tools/tools.json. If it is desired to use a different ESP-IDF tool version, check JSON Manual Configuration

Select ESP-IDF Tools

  1. (OPTIONAL) If the user has chosen the Advanced mode and selected to manually provide each ESP-IDF tool absolute path, please enter the executable container directory for each binary as shown below:

    NOTE: Check JSON Manual Configuration for more information.

Enter ESP-IDF Tools paths manually

  1. If everything is installed correctly, the user will see a message that all settings have been configured. You can start using the extension.

Install complete

NOTE: The advance mode allows the user to choose to use existing ESP-IDF tools by manually entering each ESP-IDF tool absolute path. Make sure each ESP-IDF tool path doesn't have any spaces.

  1. Now that the extension setup is finally done, check the basic use to learn how to use the SDK Configuration editor, build, flash and monitor your Espressif device.

NOTE: Visual Studio Code has many places where to set configuration settings. This extension uses the idf.saveScope configuration setting to determine where to save settings, Global (User Settings), Workspace and WorkspaceFolder. Please review vscode settings precedence.

NOTE: the setup wizard will install ESP-IDF Python packages, this extension (EXTENSION_PATH/requirements.txt) and ESP-IDF debug adapter (EXTENSION_PATH/esp_debug_adapter/requirements.txt) python packages. Make sure that if using an existing python virtual environment that installing these packages doesn't affect your virtual environment. The EXTENSION_PATH is:

  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions\espressif.esp-idf-extension-VERSION
  • Linux & MacOSX: $HOME/.vscode/extensions/espressif.esp-idf-extension-VERSION