- Extract out AnchorLinks (and App) and put into a new Gem/project called "anclids" (Anchor + Links + IDs)
- Anclids::Yard
- Anclids::GitHub
- Anclids top module has convenience methods for using Yard/GH
- CLI app code will also be moved here
- Probably under MIT license instead of LGPL?
- Also will need code for gsubbing a file, since needed in YardGhup (below)
- Create a new project called "yard_ghup" (p is for plugin)
- Create a yard plugin that can be used in
option (and.yardopts
) - Use Anclids common code to gsub files
- Look at this project for inspiration?
- I don't want to use Nokogiri, too big of a dependency for something so simple, even though it ensures correct parsing. It also requires OS-dependent libraries.
- I don't like how he created the plugin, seems hacky. Is there a better way to hook in so can gsub files?
- Create a yard plugin that can be used in