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1. Eskimo Introduction

Eskimo is a Big Data Management Web Console to build, manage and operate Big Data 2.0 clusters using Docker and Mesos.

Reach for more information on Eskimo or look at the documentation in the folder doc.

1.1. Eskimo Service Development Framework

The Service Development framework is actually composed by two distinct parts:

  • The Docker Images Development Framework which is used to build the docker images deployed on the eskimo cluster nodes

  • The Services Installation Framework which is used to install these images as services on the eskimo cluster nodes.

2. Services Installation Framework

This document presents the Services Installation framework.

The Services Installation Framework provides tools and standards to install the packaged docker images containing the target software component on the eskimo cluster nodes.

Eskimo is leveraging on both docker and systemd to deploy the services on the cluster nodes and to operate them.

The Eskimo Nodes Configuration process takes care of installing the services defined in the services.json configuration file and and copies them over to the nodes where they are intended to run. After the proper installation, eskimo relies on plain old systemctl commands to operate (start / stop / restart / query / etc.) the services.

2.1. Principle

The principle is pretty straightforward:

  • Whenever a service serviceX is configured on a node, eskimo makes an archive of the folder services_setup/serviceX, copies that archive over to the node and extracts it in a subfolder of /tmp.

  • Then eskimo calls the script from within that folder. The script can do whatever it wants but has to respect the following constraint:

    • After that script is properly executed, a systemd system service configuration file with name serviceX.service has to exist in such a way that commands such as systemctl start serviceX can be used to control serviceX.

Aside from the above, nothing is enforced and service developers can implement services the way they want.

2.2. Standards and conventions over requirements

There are no requirements when setting up a service on a node aside from the constraints mentioned above. Services developers can set up services on nodes the way then want and no specific requirement is enforced by eskimo.

However, adhering to some conventions eases a lot the maintenance and evolution of these services.
These standard conventions are as follows (illustrated for a service called serviceX).

  • Services should put their persistent data (to be persisted between two docker container restart) in /var/lib/serviceX

  • Services should put their log files in /var/log/serviceX.

  • If the service required a file to track its PID, that file should be stored under /var/run/serviceX

At the end of the day, it’s really plain old Unix standards. The only challenge comes from the use of docker which requires to play with docker mounts a little.
Just look at eskimo pre-packaged services to see examples.

2.3. Typical process

2.3.1. Operations performed

The setup process implemented as a standard in the script has three different stages:

  1. The container instantiation from the pre-packaged image performed from outside the container

  2. The software component setup performed from inside the container

  3. The software component configuration applied at runtime, i.e. at the time the containr starts, re-applied everytime.

The third phase is most of the time required to apply configurations depending on environment dynamically at startup time and not statically at setup time.
The goal is to address situations where, for instance, master services are moved to another node. In this case, applying the master setup configuration at service startup time instead of statically enables to simply restart a slave service whenever the master node is moved to another node instead of requiring to entirely re-configure them.

The build process thus typically looks this way:

  1. From outside the container:

    • Perform required configurations on host OS (create /var/lib subfolder, required system user, etc.)

    • Run docker container that will be used to create the set up image

    • Call in container setup script

  2. From inside the container:

    • Create the in container required folders and system user, etc.

    • Adapt configuration files to eskimo context (static configuration only !)

  3. At service startup time:

And that’s it.

Again, the most essential configuration, the adaptation to the cluster topology is not done statically at container setup time but dynamically at service startup time.

2.3.2. Standard and conventions

While nothing is really enforced as a requirement by eskimo (aside of systemd and the name of the script, there are some standards that should be followed (illustrated for a service named serviceX:

  • The in container setup script is usually called

  • The script taking care of the dynamic configuration and the starting of the service - the one actually called by systemd upon service startup - is usually called

  • The systemd system configuration file is usually limited to stopping and starting the docker container

2.3.3. Look for examples and get inspired

Look at examples and the way the packages provided with eskimo are setup and get inspired for developing your own packages.

2.4. Eskimo services configuration

Creating the service setup folder and writing the script is unfortunately not sufficient for eskimo to be able to operate the service.
A few additional steps are required, most importantly, defining the new service in the configuration file services.json.

2.4.1. Configuration file services.json

In order for a service to be understood and operable by eskimo, it needs to be declared in the services configuration file services.json.

A service declaration in services.json for instance for serviceX would be defined as follows:

ServiceX declaration in services.json
"serviceX" : {

  "config": {

    ## [mandatory] giving the column nbr in status table
    "order": [0-X],

    ## [mandatory] whether or not it has to be instaled on every node
    "mandatory": [true,false],

    ## [optional] name of the group to associate it in the status table
    "group" : "{group name}",

    ## [mandatory] name of the service. miust be consistend with service under 'service_setup'
    "name" : "{service name},

    ## [mandatory] where to place the service in 'Service Selection Window'
    "selectionLayout" : {
      "row" : [1-X],
      "col" : [1-X]

    ## memory to allocate to the service
    "memory": "[neglectable|small|medium|large]"

  ## [optional] configuration of the serice web console (if anym)
  "ui": {

    ## optional] either URL template should be configured ...
    "urlTemplate": "http://{NODE_ADDRESS}:{PORT}/",

    ## [optional] or proxy configuration in case the service has to be proxied by eskimo
    "proxyContext": "{service name}",
    "proxyTargetPort" : {target port},

    ## [mandatory] the time  to wait for the web console to initialize before making it available
    "waitTime": {1000 - X},

    ## [mandatory] the name of the menu entry
    "title" : "{menu name}",

    ## [optional] the icon to use (must be available)
    "icon" : "{path relative to web context}"

  ## [optional] array of dependencies that need to be available and configured
  "dependencies": [

      ## [mandatory] THIS IS THE MOST ESSENTIAL CONFIG :

      ## the service relating to this dependency
      "masterService": "{master service name}",

      ## The number of master expected
      "numberOfMasters": [1-x],

      ## whether that dependency is mandatory or not
      "mandatory": [true,false],

(Bear in mind that since json actually doesn’t support such thing as comments, the example above is actually not a valid JSON snippet)

Everything is pretty straightforward and one should really look at the services pre-packaged within eskimo to get inspiration when designing a new service to be operated by eskimo.

2.4.2. Eskimo Topology and dependency management

As stated above, the most essential configuration property in a service definition is the masterElectionStrategy of a dependency.
The whole master / slave topology management logic as well as the whole dependencies framework of eskimo relies on it.

2.4.3. Master Election strategy

Let’s start by introducing what are the supported values for this masterElectionStrategy property:

  • NONE : This is the simplest case. This enables a service to define as requiring another service without bothering where it should be installed. It just has to be present somewhere on the cluster and the first service doesn’t care where.

  • FIRST_NODE : This is used to define a simple dependency on another service. In addition, FIRST_NODE indicates that the first service wants to know about at least one node where that other service is available. That other node should be the first node found where that other service is available.

  • SAME_NODE_OR_RANDOM : This is used to define a simple dependency on another service. In addition, SAME_NODE_OR_RANDOM indicates that the first service wants to know about at least one node where that other service is available. That other node should be the same node if that other service is available on the same node than the first service or any random one if that is not the case.

  • RANDOM : This is used to define a simple dependency on another service. In addition, RANDOM indicates that the first service wants to know about at least one node where that other service is available. That other node should be any node of the cluster where the second service is installed.

  • RANDOM_NODE_AFTER : This is used to define a simple dependency on another service. In addition, RANDOM_NODE_AFTER indicates that the first service wants to know about at least one node where that other service is available. That other node should be any node of the cluster where the second service is installed yet with a node number (internal eskimo node configuration) greater than the current node where the first service is installed.

  • SAME_NODE : This means that the other service is expected to be available on the same node than the first service, otherwise eskimo will report an error during node configuration.

2.4.4. Memory allocation

Another pretty important property in a service configuration in services.json is the memory consumption property: memory.

The possible values for that property are as follows :

  • neglectable : the service is not accounted in memory allocation

  • small : the service gets a single share of memory

  • medium : the service gets two shares of memory

  • large : the service gets three shares of memory

The system then works by computing the sum of shares for all nodes and then allocating the available memory on the node to every service by dividing it amongst shares and allocating the corresponding portion of memory to every service.
Of course, the system first removes from the available memory a significant portion to ensure some room for kernel and filesystem cache.

2.4.5. Topology file on cluster nodes

Every time the cluster nodes / services configuration is changed. Eskimo will verify the global services topology and generate for every node of the cluster a "topology definition file".

That topology definition file defines all the dependencies and where to find them (using the notion of MASTER) for every service running on every node.

The "topology definition file" can be fond on nodes in /etc/

Eskimo is Copyright 2019 - All rights reserved.
Author :

Eskimo is available under a dual licensing model : commercial and GNU AGPL.
If you did not acquire a commercial licence for Eskimo, you can still use it and consider it free software under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Compliance to each and every aspect of the GNU Affero Public License is mandatory for users who did no acquire a commercial license.

Eskimo is distributed as a free software under GNU AGPL in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero Public License along with Eskimo. If not, see or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA.

You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing a commercial license. Buying such a commercial license is mandatory as soon as :

  • you develop activities involving Eskimo without disclosing the source code of your own product, software, platform, use cases or scripts.

  • you deploy eskimo as part of a commercial product, platform or software.

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