The H2 in memory database is created when the JDBC connection is established as an in-memory database. The database structure (and some data) is defined in src/main/resources/init.sql
The database does just contain three tables:
Please remove the comments in the pom.xml to run the demo locally. Currently the H2 JDBC driver is affected by CVE-2022-45868, so the dependency is also commented out. To execute the demo, you also have to remove the comments around the dependency, as well.
The pom.xml also contains some settings for a typical PostgreSQL database. To try this out run the script postgres_demo.sql to create the demo schema:
pgsql -U <user> -d <database> --password -f src/main/resources/postgresql_demo.sql
Then remove the comments in the pom.xml and change username, password and other seetings according to your local setup.
The pom.xml also contains some settings for a typical MySQL database where a database (schema) "mysql-test" and one or more tables which names starts with "employee" exists. Please uncomment and adapt this section according to your set-up.
When you have made the changes in the pom.xml just run
mvn install
This will exceutue DBVisualizer and create the files as configured.