diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 468fd6c..9434e7d 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ **_[bro_who_made_colonial](https://github.com/ColonialBuilders/ColonialObfuscator), [Body-Alh0ha](https://github.com/Body-Alhoha/Souvenir), [Dimples](https://github.com/Dimples1337/goto-java-obfuscator), [Araykal](https://github.com/MyJ2c/Open-MyJ2c), [sim0n](https://github.com/sim0n/Caesium), [0x150](https://github.com/0x3C50), I apologize to you too_** # Usage -* Compile with `gradle build` - * The jar ending in `-beta` is the obfuscator itself. - * The jar ending in `-lib` is an optional library you can use to exclude methods & classes. -* Run the `-beta` jar (maybe it's better to add `--add-opens java.base/java.util.zip=ALL-UNNAMED` arg) +* Compile `gradlew build` +* Generate config file `java -jar bruhfuscator-1.5.0.jar --create-config` +* Edit config.json +* Run obfuscator `java -jar bruhfuscator-1.5.0.jar -cfg settings.json` (maybe it's better to add `--add-opens java.base/java.util.zip=ALL-UNNAMED` arg) **Before using:** * Bruhfuscator MUST be ran with Java 8+