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Wayback Machine Downloader

A C# implementation of wayback machine downloader. Download an entire archived website from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. The files downloaded are the original ones not the Wayback Archive rewritten version.

For complete documentation you may want to consult the Wiki page here.

Table of Contents


  1. .NET Framework 4.0 or newer.
  2. For development use Visual Studio 2010 or newer. You can download the latest version of Visual Studio here. The Visual Studio Community Edition is free.
  3. This tool uses Command Line Parser 2.6.0 library.


Stand Alone Exexutable

  • Download the latest executable here or choose from the available versions here

Source Code

  • Download the ZIP file or clone this repository:
    mkdir [your-directory]
    cd [your-directory]
    git clone
    cd wbm-dl
    Then you can open the .sln and build the solution file with Visual Studio.
  • From Visual Studio, run this command from the Package Manager Console window:
    PM> Install-Package CommandLineParser -Version 2.6.0

Basic Usage

At the very basic, you should run wbm-dl followed by the website name, for example :


or just


Issuing the above command will download the website to the ./websites/ directory.

Specifying the URL to Download

You must supply a valid URL address to download.


Some valid URL examples are shown below:


Advanced Usage

The additional parameter list will display when run without any parameters:

wbm-dl (Wayback Machine Downloader) 

  -o, --out      Output/destination directory

  -f, --from     From timestamp. Limits the archived result SINCE this timestamp.
                 Use 1 to 14 digit with the format: yyyyMMddhhmmss
                 If omitted, retrieves results since the earliest timestamp available.

  -t, --to       To timestamp. Limits the archived result  UNTIL this timestamps.
                 Use 1 to 14 digit with the format: yyyyMMddhhmmss
                 If omitted, retrieves results until the latest timestamp available.

  -l, --limit    Limits the first N or the last N results. Negative number limits the last N results.

  -a             All timestamps. Retrieves snapshots for all timestamps.

  -c, --count    (Default: 1) Number of concurrent processes.
                 Can speed up the process but requires more memory.

  -A, --All      Retrieves snapshots for all HTTP status codes.
                 If omitted only retrieves the status code of 200

  -e, --exact    Downloads only the url provided and not the full site.

  -O, --Only     Restrict downloading to urls that match this filter.

  -X, --eXclude  Skip downloading of urls that match this filter.

  -L, --list     Displays only the list in a JSON format with the archived timestamps, does not download anything

  --help         Display this help screen.

  --version      Display version information.

Case Sensitive Parameter Names

The Wayback Machine Downloader uses case sensitive parameter names, such as -a is different from -A. Careful consideration should be taken when typing such parameter names.

Output Directory

-o, --out      Output/destination directory

Optional. The -o or --out option specifies the directory in which you want the websites to be saved. A sub-directory called /websites will be created under the specified directory.


wbm-dl -o c:/download

Will download to c:/download/websites directory.

wbm-dl -o ./myFolder/web

Will download to [Current Directory]/myFolder/web/websites directory.

Downloading Snapshots for All Timestamps

By default, your files are archived in different snapshots for each timestamp. You can specify the -a parameter to download all snapshot versions for each file.

The -a parameter is not to be confused with -A parameter, although they both can also be used in conjunction.

-a             All timestamps. Retrieves snapshots for all timestamps.

Optional. The -a parameter will download the file versions all timestamps. The timestamp of each snapshot will be used as a directory.

wbm-dl -o c:/download  -a

Will download to the directory structure below:


If this parameter is omitted the Wayback Machine Downloader will only download the latest snapshot version of each unique item.

From Timestamp

-f, --from     From timestamp. 

Optional. You can limit the result by specifying the earliest timestamp in the yyyyMMddhhmmss format. This parameter is inclusive, in which the value is included to the result. The Wayback Machine Downloader will only fetch the snapshots since the timestamp specified.


wbm-dl -o c:/download -f 20171101210000

Will download only the snapshots since November 01, 2017 at 21:00:00

wbm-dl -o c:/download -f 2017

Will download only the snapshots since the year of 2017

wbm-dl -o c:/download -f 201707

Will download only the snapshots since July 2017

To Timestamp

-t, --to     To timestamp. 

Optional. You can limit the result by specifying the latest timestamp in the yyyyMMddhhmmss format. This parameter is inclusive, in which the value is included to the result. The Wayback Machine Downloader will only fetch the snapshots until the timestamp specified.


wbm-dl -o c:/download -t 20180915220000

Will download only the snapshots until September 15, 2018 at 22:00:00

wbm-dl -o c:/download -t 2018

Will download only the snapshots until the year of 2018

wbm-dl -o c:/download -t 201804

Will download only the snapshots until April 2018.

Limiting Between Two Timestamps

You can combine both -f and -t parameters to limit the result between two timestamps. Since both parameters are inclusive, the from and to parameter values are included to the result.


wbm-dl -o c:/download -f 20171101210000 -t 20180915220000

Will download only the snapshots since November 01, 2017 21:00:00 until September 15, 2018 22:00:00.

wbm-dl -o c:/download  -f 2017 -t 201804

Will download only the snapshots since 2017 until April 2018.

wbm-dl -o c:/download  -f 2017 -t 2017

Will download only the snapshots during 2017.

Limiting The Number of Files to Download

-l, --limit    Limits the first N or the last N results. Negative number limits the last N results.

Optional. You can limit the number of files to download by specifying the -l parameter followed by a positive or negative integer value.

This -l parameter is not to be confused with the -L parameter. They both can be used in conjunction though.


wbm-dl -o c:/download -l 50

Will download only 50 files since the earliest timestamp. The earliest timestamp is included to the result.

wbm-dl -o c:/download -l -25

Will download only 25 files until the latest timestamp. The latest timestamp is included to the result.

Exact URL

-e, --exact    Downloads only the url provided and not the full site.

Optional. Instead of downloading the entire websites you can use this -e flag to download only the file you specify as the URL.


wbm-dl -o c:/download -e

Will download only the homepage html file of

Download Only Specific Files

-O, --Only

Optional. You can filter the download to only a specific condition, for example you only want to download files of certain types (e.g., .jpg, .pdf, .doc, etc). This parameter needs a string or a regex.


wbm-dl -o c:/download -O "^.*\.(jpg|gif|png|)$"

This will download only image files of .jpg, .gif and .png types.

wbm-dl -o c:/download -O "^.*\b(themes|green).*\b$"

This will download files containing the word themes or green in the path.

Excluding Specific Files

-X, --eXclude

Optional. In contrast with the -O parameter, you can exclude specific files using -X parameter. This parameter needs a string or a regex.


wbm-dl -o c:/download -X "^.*\.(jpg|gif|png|)$"

This will not download image files of .jpg, .gif and .png types.

wbm-dl -o c:/download -X "^.*\b(themes|green).*\b$"

This will exclude the files containing the word themes or green in the path.

Download All HTTP Status Codes

-A, --All      Retrieves snapshots for all HTTP status codes.
               If omitted only retrieves the status code of 200

Optional. By default, the Wayback Machine Downloader will download the files responding only to the HTTP status code of 200 (HTTP status code for OK). This -A flag will download responses with all HTTP status codes, such as 30x, 40x and 50x.


wbm-dl -o c:/download -A

Download Multiple Files at a Time

-c, --count    (Default: 1) Number of concurrent processes.
               Can speed up the process but requires more memory.

Optional. You can speed up the download process significantly by specifying an (integer) number of concurrency with the -c parameter.


wbm-dl -o c:/download -c 50

Will download maximum 50 files at a time.

Displaying the File List Without Downloading

-L, --list     Displays only the list in a JSON format with the archived timestamps, does not download anything

Optional. This option will only display the file list in JSON format and save it to the /logs directory. It won't download anything else.


wbm-dl -o c:/download -L

This will only display the file list on screen and save the list in the c:/download/logs directory.

Log Files

Upon completion, a /logs directory containing a log file will be created under the /websites directory. The JSON-formatted log file contains completion status of each downloaded item. If errors occured the log files can further be examined to accommodate manual download with the source URL for each item.

This log file will not be generated when using the -L or --list flag.

The generated log filename will be

Log File Metadata

The JSON-formatted log file contains metadata as follows:

  • ErrorMsg
    Contains the error message if error occured.
  • Num
    Line number.
  • Original
    Contains the original location of the item.
  • Source
    Contains the archived location of the item in the Internet Wayback Archive Machine. You can use the value for manually downloading.
  • Status
    Contains the HTTP status code. If flag -A is omitted and no error occured the value will be 200 (OK). If this value is empty an error might have occured. You can then consult the ErrorMsg to examine the error and use the Source to manually download the individual file.
  • Target
    Contains full path in the output directory where the file is saved. If this value is empty an error might have occured. You can then consult the ErrorMsg to examine the error and use the Source to manually download the individual file.
  • Time
    The time the Source responds to the request. The time is in yyyyMMdd hh:mm:ss .NET format and might not conform to the standard JSON datetime format.


Avoid Mass-Scraping

Your archived website gets none but bigger over time. It can get so big with millions of files. Certain aspects must therefore come into considerations.

It is always advisable to limit the downloads each session with filtering options, including, but not limited to:

  • Filtering by certain timestamps with -f or -t options
  • Filtering by certain files with -O option
  • Do not download what you don't need with -X option
  • Minimize the number of simultaneous download by using small number to the -c option

It is a good ettiquete to crawl politely.
Avoid mass-scraping by overloading them with too many requests for too many big files as this will surely hurt the server. If this occurs too often, they might take measures to block downloader tools such as this one, and in the long run, might lead to anti-scraping legal actions.

That said. So download wisely.

Windows Long Filename Limitation

Windows has maximum of 248 characters on a directory path while a URL doesn't. This can lead to error due to this limitation and your files are not downloaded. In this case you can examine the log file and download manually from the source URL provided.


Contributions are welcome. Just pull an issue or pull request from GitHub.

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