EventSource4Net is a eventsource implementation for .Net. By using EventSource4Net can you receive Server-Sent Event(SSE) in your native .Net program.
##Install## EventSource4Net is available as a Nuget-package. From the Package Manager Console enter:
Install-package EventSource4Net
##How to use?##
It's dead-simple to use.
EventSource es = new EventSource(new Uri(<Your url>));
es.StateChanged += new EventHandler<StateChangedEventArgs>((o, e) => { Console.WriteLine("New state: " + e.State.ToString()); });
es.EventReceived += new EventHandler<ServerSentEventReceivedEventArgs>((o, e) => { Console.WriteLine("--------- Msg received -----------\n" + e.Message.ToString()); });
See the sample-project!
##Logging## EventSource4Net uses slf4net as a logging facade.
- Implement functionallity to cancel the eventsource.
##Contributions## I'll be more than happy to get contributions!!!