This provide integration to the Click Sign REST API on Sandbox and on Production environments.
PS: The requests will perform asyncronoulsy and you'll get the resuls only when you call the run method.
- Import the ClickSign:
from clicksignlib import ClickSign, run
- Import the environments:
from clicksignlib.environments import SandboxEnvironment, ProductionEnvironment
- Create your ClickSign instance:
click_sign = ClickSign(access_token=<your access token>, environment=SandboxEnvironment())
- Each request should be executed inside the run method;
- You can pass more the one request to the run method;
- You can assign requests to the variables and pass them to the run method;
click_sign.template.create_from_file(*, file_path: str) -> Result
click_sign.template.create_from_bytes(*, file_path: str, data: bytes) -> Result
click_sign.template.list() -> Result
click_sign.document.create_from_file(*, file_path: str, document_type: str) -> Result
click_sign.document.create_from_bytes(*, file_path: str, document_type: str, data: bytes) -> Result
click_sign.document.create_from_template(*, document_type: str, filename: str, template_key: str, template_data: Dict[str, Any],) -> Result
click_sign.document.list() -> Result
click_sign.document.detail(*, document_key: str) -> Result
click_sign.document.delete(*, document_key: str) -> Result
click_sign.document.finish(*, document_key: str) -> Result
click_sign.document.cancel(*, document_key: str) -> Result
click_sign.document.configure(*, document_key: str, deadline_at: Optional[datetime] = None, auto_close: bool = True, sequence_enabled: bool = False, remind_interval: int = 1 ) -> Result
click_sign.document.sign_by_api(*, request_signature_key: str, secret_hmac_sha256: str) -> Result:
import the Signers Enum: from clicksignlib.handlers import Auth, SignerType
click_sign.document.create(*, name: str, cpf: str = "", birthday: str = "", email: str = "", phone_number: str = "", auths: Auth = Auth.EMAIL, notify: bool = True, ) -> Result:
click_sign.document.add_signatory_to_document(*, document_key: str, signer_key: str, signer_type: SignerType, message: str, group: int = 0, ) -> Result:
- click_sign.notification.notify_by_email(*, request_key: str, message: str, url: str = "" ) -> Result: